Episode 122 - Reforging A Sword

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She looked back out to the world. "No he won't."

The imp growled. "Why you?" He grabbed the reins of the mount, "Come on." He tugged.

Ah-Un stood up, Chelsea slid onto the grass.

"Oh?" She looked at the two headed demon, "Hang on." She sluggishly walked and hopped onto Ah-Un.

Jaken watched her, letting out a sigh. I don't get it. He then led them into the cave.

When Totosai was finished he took the sword and led them to another cave. It was evening so the cave was darker than normal, as they went into the cave Rin and Jaken looked around curiously.

As they walked the cave progressively grew cloudy and specks of light danced in the air, it was pretty to look at. Chelsea was still lagging behind riding on Ah-Un, she wasn't paying attention where they were going, she just let out a sigh of disappointment.

"OK." The old man turned and looked at them, holding out Sesshomaru's sword. "We are here."

The young lord took the sword and placed it at his hip, Rin and Jaken looked at their lord, stopping close behind him.

Chelsea flinched at the abrupt stop that Ah-Un made, "Huh?" She was pulled out of her thoughts. She finally noticed where they were, "What?" She looked around, seeing that Sesshomaru had his sword back. She hopped off and walked up next to the old man, "Where are we?" She asked.

Jaken looked back at her, "We'll hello, nice of you to join us."

Rin looked back at her and smiled.

Chelsea rolled her eyes, "Just thinking, sorry." Her voice was still quiet and mopey.

Totosai looked at her, "We are in a realm where Sesshomaru's sword won't cause to much damage.

"Ah. I see." Chelsea folded her arms and watched.

"Now," Totosai looked at Sesshomaru. "Draw your sword."

The young lord followed the instructions of the swordsmith.

The ground shook violently, Rin gasped and looked down, Chelsea leaned back trying to steady herself. The ground behind Sesshomaru broke up making a mound behind him, a massive hand reached out and grabbed the ground nearby and pulled itself out of the ground. A huge monster came out of the ground and towered over them.

"Huh!?" Jaken yelped, "A ogre!"

The old man just watched Sesshomaru, Now, show me, Sesshomaru.

The young lord turned and stared the monster down, it wasn't that large, it was an easy opponent. He darted and leapt at the ogre, swinging his sword, nothing happened but an aura hit the ogre. Nothing seemed to have happened to the monster, no direct damage was done.

Chelsea felt a shift in the energy around them though, she cocked her head to the side. Narrowing her eyes wondering what was happening.

The imp looked annoyed, "It didn't do anything." Jaken called out.

Rin pointed, "Master Jaken!" She cried, "What's that? Behind the demon."

Jaken looked up past the beast, "Huh?"

Beyond the monster was a slice in the air, the ogre looked over its shoulder seeing the opening it was taken aback.

"He opened a path to the underworld." Totosai stated.

Chelsea looked at the slice that was cut open in the atmosphere. "Excuse me?" The void looked familiar to her.

Totosai looked at her, "What?"

"The underworld?" She didn't take her eyes of the hole in the world.

Jaken looked at them, "How can that be?"

Suddenly a drastic pull started to come, it was so strong that it pulled at the monster, it looked confused, when the pull stopped. Suddenly the monster's top half seemed to be cut and pulled into the void.

"What?" Jaken yelped.

Chelsea's eyes widened, "How did that happen?"

Totosai watched, "As you just saw, the ogre's body was taken to the other world." He explained.

Rin and Jaken looked at Totosai, Chelsea looked down at him. "What is that?"

"A technique that cuts through to the underworld." Sesshomaru reiterated.

"It is possible, because Tenseiga is a sword that connects this world with the underworld." Totosai continued. "That is why Tenseiga's master can see creatures from the other world, further more, he can cut down those demons returning the dead to this world."

Rin's eyes got wide, "Oh yeah!?" She said as she thought about when they went to that village full of children.

Chelsea looked from Jaken to Rin then back, Jaken looked at Rin with narrowed eyes, He used it on you. He thought then glanced up at Chelsea, she was looking at him confused. "What?" He barked.

She shrugged, "Nothing, I was wondering what you were glaring at her." She turned away.

Totosai kept going, "So instead of wounding his opponent, he cuts into the Path to the Underworld, to literally send his enemy there for eternity. That is how you use Tenseiga. This technique you just performed Meido Zangetsuha." His voice was intense. Still, he mastered it in one go, I'm impressed, spiteful brat he may be. He thought, narrowing his eyes at the young lord. Well, Tenseiga's accepted him, so I can't do anything about it.

Sesshomaru sheathed his sword, thinking about Kagura's death. I, Sesshomaru, shall be the one to decide if she died for nothing. He thought to himself, turning to the others, "Totosai, I now hold Tenseiga for battle."

Suddenly a strong breeze came through, blowing glowing petals around.

Rin looked up, "Wind?" She wondered.

Sesshomaru started to walk away, "Let's go."

Rin and Jaken started to run after him, "So cool." Jaken swooned.

Chelsea looked after the petals that flew through the air, letting out a sigh she walked after them.

"Hey." Totosai called out to her.

She turned and looked down at him, "Huh?"

"How are those blades working for you?" He hopped back on is cow.

Chelsea looked over her shoulder at them, "They're doing great." She looked back at him, "Why?"

He tilted his head at her, "I was curious because you've changed a lot since the last time we spoke."

Chelsea thought for a moment, "Yeah." She reached behind herself and to hold of one of her swords, pulling it out she held it out to him. "I'm not sure if I'm using them the way Sesshomaru wanted me too though." She looked at the blade.

Totosai stared at the sword, he could tell the power was shifting, due to the opposing power of Sesshomaru and Chelsea both in the swords he could tell they have not become one yet. "It will take time I'm sure, but one of these days I am sure you will unleash what they have in store."

Chelsea nodded, "Oh? thanks." She turned around and started back after Sesshomaru.

"You're welcome." He replied.

Chelsea then paused, "Hey Sir." She looked back at him, he was gone. She let out a sigh, "Never mind." She then started walking after the others, Ah-Un walked next to her. "I was hoping he was going to say he was just ignoring the sword." Her voice was low.

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