Tambry was Mabel's last resource. The boys had related some truly awful stories, but just to be sure, Mabel wanted to check in with Wendy's oldest friend, the one who knew her best. Besides, Mabel thought, Tambry did have something to say about Wendy and Dipper at the party, and she seemed to approve of the relationship to the extent of shushing Robbie when he tried to make his own comment.
After leaving Robbie, Mabel headed to the computer store in the Gravity Falls Mall. It was around two in the afternoon by the time she got there, and there were few customers about. Tambry stood behind the counter looking utterly bored, flicking through her phone.
"Hey, Tambry!" Mabel greeted her. Tambry looked up and smiled. "Hey, Mabes! How ya doin'? You lookin' for a new phone or something?"
Mabel shook her head. "No. I need to talk to you about something very important."
Tambry frowned and pushed her phone aside. "What's up?" she asked.
"Well, you saw how my brother and Wendy were getting along this past weekend, and I thought it was really sweet, but Robbie was going to say something about them, but you stopped him from saying what he obviously wanted to say, and since you've known Wendy longer than any of us- "
"I'm sorry, Mabel, but is this going anywhere?" Tambry interrupted. Mabel paused and took a deep breath.
"It's just that I've been hearing some really disturbing stories about Wendy, and that I should be worried for my brother, and if any of it is true, than I really am worried for Dipper, because- "
Tambry let out an exasperated sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Oh, for fuck's sake," she muttered venomously. She turned to Mabel. "Let me guess; the boys have been telling stories again? I fuckin' warned them- "
"No, no!" Mabel said hurriedly. "I mean, not exactly- I actually heard about it a few days ago from...uh...from someone I know." Mabel started twisting the hem of her sweater. "But I did go see the boys, and I asked them, and they told me some awful things...so I wanted to ask you, cos I really like Wendy, and she and Dipper look like they're in love...so...so...." Mabel sighed, almost in tears. "So I wanted to ask her oldest, closest friend about it." She stood, her eyes cast down, nervously picking at her clothes.
Tambry sighed again. "Don't tell me; they said Wendy was a slut and a whore, and got into situations like, I dunno, fucking the entire high school football team in one night, or some shit. Right?"
"A-and that she had been, kind of, kidnapped for a weekend orgy at some guy's place in Portland..."
Tambry shook her head. "I don't believe this bullshit," she snarled. "Ohhh, Lee, Nate, and Robbie are gonna get a friggin' earful from me tonight," she promised.
Mabel blinked. "Then- Then what they told me isn't true?" she asked hopefully.
"Of course not," Tambry affirmed. "At least, it was nothing like what those dummies told you."
"Wait, so there was something?" Mabel asked sharply.
Tambry straightened up and called over to a colleague at another counter. "Hey, Brad?" she called. "I'mma take my break now- cover for me?" Without waiting for an answer, Tambry came around the counter, took Mabel by the arm. "C'mon," she said. "Let's go sit in the office."
"Okay," Tambry began. "First off, where'd you hear these stories? Not the boys, I mean. Who got you started poking around?"
"Pacifica Northwest," Mabel said, uncomfortable, knowing what most people of Gravity Falls thought of the Northwests.
"The rich kid?" Tambry said, impressed. "Damn- stories get around, don't they?"

The Boy Who Cried Werewolf
FanfictionFour years after Weirdmageddon, Dipper, Mabel, Stan, and Ford return to Gravity Falls for the summer. Dipper and Wendy reconnect on a deeply personal and intimate level. Dipper and Mabel fret about their parents' upcoming divorce. Plans for the futu...