Venice, Italy (5sos AU)

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April 28th, 2016. This was the day that we met.

May 25th, 2016. That was the day we started dating.

February 3rd, 2017. This was the day he proposed to me.

June 26th, 2017. This was the day me, Stephanie Gibson, became married to Ashton Irwin, and officially transformed into Stephanie Irwin.

June 29th, 2017. This brings us to the present day, on our honeymoon in Venice, Italy. Ashton suggested the location, since we were both  travelers.


"Do you remember when we met nearly 14 months ago?" Ash questioned.

"You mean at the coffee shop?"

We were sitting on a bench that overlooked a bendy canal. The streets were calm and peaceful, and boats moved past on the smooth water. We reflected on our past together. It had been a long time since we met at the coffee shop.

"Yeah. I ordered that frappucino and you blushed shyly as you brewed it. I remember those days. Can you imagine what would have happened if I hadn't woken up as early as I did that day?"

I giggled mildly. "It's funny how easily fate can change. For better... or for worse. So much depends on so little."

Ashton looked at me oddly. "What, did you get, like, a major in Psychology or something."

I smiled broadly. "Actually, I minored in Psychology. I majored in Music Theory."

We were both smiling. "C'mon, let's get out of here." Ash said, and I followed his lead. We wanted to get back to the hotel before it got dark. We had a long day tomorrow.

We kept walking and walking towards the hotel, passing many old, rustic buildings that brought an interesting vibe to the city. This was the kind of exploring I enjoyed. Taking in scenery from all different types of the world. Of course, if I ever got a career in the music industry, I would be traveling a whole lot more. But that was a long term goal, of course.

"Hey girl. Boy. Over here." A thick, raspy voice called from the darkness.

"Who's there?" Ash replied, readying his fists just in case. He pushed me behind him, protecting me from the voice.

"Hey, hey! I'm not gonna hurt ya? I have a deal for you. I'm Michael Clifford, MD. I'm just kidding." The man stated, laughing crazily, until the laugh turned into an intense fit of coughing. 

Ash kept his fists ready. "What do you want from us?

"From you? Nothing. The better question is what do I have for you." Michael said with a big grin on his wrinkled face.

Then, all of a sudden, a white, fluffy, Pomeranian puppy appeared from the darkness. It was so adorable that Ash even lowered his fists, just a little.

"You see, I don't wanna hurt ya. I just wanna give you this dog. I... no longer want him. You can take him."

"For what price?" I asked cautiously, coming out behind Ash.

"Just one hundred euros, please. That's pretty cheap for a dog of this variety. His name's Calum, by the way." He said, and we reluctantly handed over the cash. He took the money, and we took the dog. We then hurried away, just so Michael didn't try any other shenanigans.


We reached the hotel 10 minutes later. Suddenly, just before we walked in, I saw a sign and pointed it out to Ashton. It said, "No loitering, No smoking, No animals!" I'm pretty sure these were the rules of the hotel.

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