Chapter Two | Letters

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Authors Note 25.08.20 :This Chapter has received some light editing. I hope you all enjoy reading! I have also just changed the format of POVs and Chapter headings slightly so that it's more aligned with the current story.
Your votes and feedback, as always, is greatly appreciated ❤️
Much love,


* Chapter Edited again 10.01.21

Chapter Two | Letters


My birthday arrived with a morning that began like any other day. As I woke, I stretched out long under the covers, a feeling of anticipation building in my stomach. A slow smile stretched across my face, followed by a wide yawn.

Today was the day I would see my Father.

I was always guaranteed an evening with him on my birthday, a time where I could actually have him to myself- without my my step families interruptions. Although my relationship with Father was strained, I still loved him dearly. And I knew, despite his shortcomings, he loved me also.

Happily I threw off the covers and padded across the smooth wooden boards, gasping a little at the cold that hit my bare toes. I crouched down and unlocked the bolt that secured the trapdoor on the floor of my room, lifting it open and grinning when I saw what had been left on the top step of ladder that led from my room to the staircase that spiraled round and round the inside of the turret.

A beautiful crystal vase held two exquisite red roses, with long stems as straight as rulers and I lifted them up to my face, breathing in the heady smell. Such a beautiful perfume.
I noticed the thick envelope that the vase had obviously been covering and I picked it up, feeling excited again when I saw that it was fat and lumpy.

Closing the trapdoor once again with a thump, I moved over to my piano, settling onto the comfortable stool and placing the beautiful vase on the top of the piano, loving the contrast with the polished black ebony.

Carefully I slit the envelope open with one finger, removing the gold wrapped package inside and taking out the card. It was simple gold with a beautifully drawn picture of one red rose on the front. I smiled, Father had always chosen a theme for my birthdays.

Smiling I read the carefully calligraphic script written with a thick black pen.

Dearest Circe,

I apologise for being unable to gift this to you in person, but I do hope your morning is beautiful regardless.

As I have told you each year since your birth, it is a Fathers duty to offer his daughter a piece of wisdom, so this year, I wish for you to always remember that having an open mind in difficult situations can save your life.
If no harm has come to you, and you are in a position to gain knowledge, take it. Take it and learn, my love.

My gift will come to you with breakfast. I shall see you tonight. Never forget, I love you very much.

Your Father,

A package from your Mother is enclosed. I was instructed to deliver it to you on this day.

My eyes wandered over the post script, reading the words twice over. My Mother? Slowly, I placed his letter to the side, my gaze drifting to stare at the unassuming parcel that was still sitting, unopened.
Hesitantly, I picked it up. The parcel was slightly heavy, and I could hear something sliding inside when I tilted it.

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