(25) Not the One

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Chapter 25!! And I tried to make this one longer ^.^ 

Dedication is to trinityrose for her absolutly STUNNING banner, it looks exactly like Circe :D So a big thanks to her for that :)

Also, MASSIVE thanks to all of those who commented and voted on the last chapter, you guys are putting in a big effort and that means alot to me, especially with the Watty Awards drawing to a close at the end of next month! If you haven't become a fan already, please do, THANKYOU GUYS!!!


Luv ya,

Daisy xx

P.s - Just thought the song kinda fitted ;)


(Circe's P.O.V)

It was warm when I woke, my eyes fluttering open slowly. The first thing I saw was an ear. It was quite a beautiful ear, curved, like a seashell and it was half covered by a mop of curly dark brown hair. I blew on it softly, lifting the hair away and scooted forwards, kissing his ear gently before I could help myself. 


I shook my head as though I could shake the name right out of my mind and frowned. Why was I thinking about him? 

Last night after Colby had kissed me senseless and promised to stay with me in my bed, I had thought about my dilemma. I was defiantly attracted to Obsidian, well at least my Siren blood was, but I was sure that the attraction was simply lust. You don't have to love someone to love their body and while I could definitely appreciate the fine specimen that was Obsidian Bones, he just wasn't right for me...

Something in my mind recoiled as I thought this and I flinched at the uncomfortable feeling in my temple, pressing my fingers to the spot and wincing as it happened again.

"Circe are you okay?"

I turned to look at Cobalt with a frown and realized that I had sat up, disturbing his muscled arm that had been wrapped tightly around my waist. 

My face softened as I took in his sleepy face. He was just too adorable with his dark curly locks falling over his silver eyes and his full lips forming a tempting pout.

"Yes I'm fine, I just have a headache."

He held out his arms for me and I leaned back into him, enjoying the way that he wrapped me back up in his embrace. It felt as though I was sheltered from the troubles of reality when he held me like this, and, just for a moment, I could let it all go and breath freely. 

"Colby, about last night--"

He cut in before I could finish, his voice still sleepy. "It's fine Circe, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." 

I frowned at his choice of words, something sounded a little off about that sentence but I couldn't quite place my finger on it so I simply nodded in agreement and shoved the thought to the back of my mind. It wasn't important.

I turned slightly so I was resting more on his chest and studied his face. Although I was certain that my attraction for Obsidian wasn't the real thing, I wasn't entirely convinced about Cobalt either. If his kisses from last night were anything to go by, the passion was certainly there, but did I like him in that way?

A Pirate's Kiss  (Wattys Winner 2011)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora