My palms are sweating and my hands are shaking tremendously. I'm holding my phone in one hand.. And Brittany's number in the other. I try typing her number but my fingers slip off the phone. "Do it.." I think. "Come on.. Its just one text away from talking to her.." I say to myself. I close my eyes shut and begin typing the number into my phone to text her. "Hey it's Zay oh wait.. I never told you my name I don't think.. But um I'm Zay the guy who ran into you.." Is what I type. Just as I'm about to send it.. Armin bursts threw my bed room door and is flaring his arms like a crazy person. "What's wrong?" I yell to him. "Before you even think of liking or loving or whatever to Brittany you need to think." He replies. "About?" I say? "Her. I did a little research for you.. And she has been threw a lot right now.. Her friend just passed away.. And she has just gotten over a big break up." I stare at him for a second then look at my phone. I erase everything I had typed, then I typed again. "Hey. Its the guy who ran into you. Sorry again. Can you meet me? Now? At the square?" I send the text and put my phone in my pocket. "Did you just text her?" Armin asks. I get up and walk over to him. " I did." "Alright Zay.. Be careful.... I'm just looking out for you.. Don't get hurt." "Thanks Armin. I can always count on you" I smile at him and shut my bed room door. Then roll my eyes to myself. "Is that you telling me to go home?" I hear him ask from outside the door. "Bye armin!" I yell back. My phone vibrates and I pick it up. It was a text from Brittany. "Sure. I'm already there so why not. I could use some company I don't really like people. And stop apologizing about that!" It said. I laugh a little and run outside my house leaving Armin behind who was just outside my house. "Where are you going??" He yells. "I'll be back soon!" I yell back running even faster. About 20 minutes of running I got on the bus that was headed toward the square. When I got off I noticed Brittany was on a bench not even 50 feet away. I walk over to her only to hear ask, "So.. Your Zay? Why'd you wanna meet me." My hearts beating fast I'm staring at her black and purple hair and as I go down from head to toe of looking at her my eyes stop at her breasts. I was shocked. "Hey my eyes are up here❤" she giggles. "So sorry just wow.. " "Don't worry that's everyone's reaction.. " She says. " So what's up? " she says. I sigh and look at her strongly. "Let me fix your broken heart."

Tough Love
RomanceZay helps Brittany realize how cruel the world is.. And just as he became happy because of Brittany's reaction to his words.. Zane is given a grim reminder. Of how life can bring you down, but someone can pick you back up.