I woke up supremely late. Did the 20 minutes of us doing that make me that tired? I look over to see Brittany cuddling with my arm. She opens her eyes and says,"Oh finally, your awake! Its like 11!" She giggles and gets up to get dressed. I smile back at her trying not to look down at her cute little butt that was just.. There. I got up and got dressed too, because, I mean, we slept in the nude. After we got dressed, we went down stairs to find our mom yelling over the phone. "Well he didn't come here... Don't give me that bull shit! He did not come here! Alright. Do what ever you want. Bye," my mom yelled over the phone before hanging up. She turned around startled to see me and Brittany. "Hey guys. Um. Armin ran away from home.. And no one can find him. His mom was blaming it on you saying he came here so I had to straighten her up." My mom walked down the hallway and stopped before turning around. "You kids should go for a walk. I have things I gotta do and prefer if you're not here." She said. We nodded and grabbed our shoes to walk outside. "So where do you wanna go?" I ask Brittany. She pulls her hair into a pony tail and puts a finger on her chin "I dont know. Where do you wanna go." I think for a second then I decided we should go and look around for Armin. I knew all the places he went to.. Most of the time. We walk out the door and grab each others hand and begin walking to the bus stop. "Where should we look first?" Brittany said. "If I were Armin where would I go.." Me and Brittany looked at each other. "The library" we said.
The library wasn't to far so the bus driver drove us there for free which was nice. No one was really on the bus which was good for us so we just sat down in the back. When the bus came to a stop, we got off and walked into the library. The Clerc welcomed us. "Hello. How can I help you." "Yes, um we're looking for a long blonde haired kid? White male with blue eyes?" I said trying to sound professional. "Oh Armin? Yes.. He was here about an hour ago telling me good bye and asked for a few books and just left." Me and Brittany looked at each other, thanked her and began to look around the library. This was Armin's favorite library. There was no way he'd just leave. Especially after getting a few books he liked.
We gave up after a few minutes and walked outside. What I saw made me pretty happy. It was Armin.. But something was different.. I don't know why but I had a bad feeling.. Armin was in tears. "Zane.. I warned you. I told you to stay away from her.. Or I was gonna lose you to her!" Armin was yelling at the top of his lungs. "What are you talking about ? You haven't lost me! I'm still here! I'm your best friend!" Brittany looks at my and grabs my hand so hard it felt like my wrist gonna break. Tears were streaming out of Armin's eyes. "No.. She stole you from me." Right as he finished saying that sentence, Armin did something.. I never thought he'd do. He pulled a gun, and aimed it at Brittany. "If I can't have you.. Then neither can she." My heart beats fast. My eyes grow wide. And for a split second, I turn and give Brittany a quick kiss before Armin, pulls the trigger.

Tough Love
RomanceZay helps Brittany realize how cruel the world is.. And just as he became happy because of Brittany's reaction to his words.. Zane is given a grim reminder. Of how life can bring you down, but someone can pick you back up.