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Okay, so let me start this off by saying this character was a completely unintentional creation that happened to form when I saw a drawing on tumblr by Jurikoi (it's the cover) and he just kinda. Happened. And now he's one of my favorite characters, and that's never good because when character's become my favorites, I tend to focus on their backstories. And they're usually never good. In this case, it's horrible and I hate everyone in this story except for the main character, Xeredahl.

Also, Xeredahl is pronounced Zair-eh-dall for those of you wondering. Demon name generators for the win. 

So after getting way too emotionally invested in this character and working on his backstory for the last couple weeks, I finally finished (which is amazing considering my "back stories" usually turn into ideas for full length novels) and decided to post it up. 

Two more things before I let you go. 

1. One of the characters (who's name begins with R and should rhyme with bastard but unfortunately it doesn't) is the most despicable character I have ever created and I hate him with every possible amount of hate I can possibly hate someone and if you like him, you and I need to have a serious chat. Also Nill. I hate Nill. 

2. I forgot what I was going to say here. ...OH. RIGHT. That picture at the top? Of Vicar Amelia from Bloodborne that was done by Kanonu on DeviantArt? Yeah, that's what Xeredahl's true form looks like (without the dress thing or the covered eyes). It'll come up later, I promise.

Now you can enjoy this story and cry with me about Xeredahl.


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