Part 2

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Ritaric's pack wasn't very big. Four with the addition of Xeredahl, but they were as proud as their leader. It didn't take much effort to figure out that Ritaric was a two-type demon, a mix between a pride demon and a fear demon. A deadly combination by any standards. And with the incubus and the gluttony demon that accompanied him, it was a pack that had potential.

Xeredahl had the privilege of meeting both of them at the same time, when they both proved to be as unpleasant as their leader. They didn't speak directly to them, only speaking as if he wasn't there at all, yet circled around where the lead of the collar had been attached to the floor and examined him.

"I can't believe it, Ritaric." The gluttony demon said, small, beady eyes darting from Xeredahl to his leader. "I knew you were a fool, but what made you think this pile of bones would ever be a good choice?"

Ritaric's mouth turned up slightly into a smile. "Don't insult me like that, Kadnitla. He has a fire in him, trust me on that."

The incubus snorted, tossing a lock of her long black hair over her shoulder. She strode closer to Xeredahl and forced his chin up with her hand. "This boy? I could snap his neck with my little finger if I so desired, and he couldn't raise a muscle to stop me. He's nothing special, you've been duped, Ritaric."

"Watch your step, Frenillan, he-"

With the rattle of chains, Xeredahl jerked away and sank his teeth into one of the incubus's fingers. Although he was aiming to bite it off, he was cut short when the back of a hand collided with his face and he crashed to the ground, unable to catch himself with his hands shackled behind him.

"-bites." Ritaric finished, standing above the boy and looking down at him. The boy was glaring up at the pride demon, mouth stained red with the blood of Frenillan and lips drawn back in a growl even in his current position.

Kadnitla was laughing a few feet away. "Wow, Nill, he got you good!" The incubus looked up, burning into him with her eyes, but the gluttony demon ignored it. "I kinda like him! What's his name, Rit?"

"Xeredahl, but he prefers Dahlly. Don't you, Dahlly?" Beneath him, Xeredahl growled but was quickly silenced with a casual kick to the ribs. "He's going to be a very fun addition to our pack. Just imagine all the possibilities of breaking him, of taming that fire! Who knows how long he'll last?"

"I'm going to kill him myself." Frenillan snarled, lunging forwards only to be stopped by Ritaric.

"Now, now Nill. Restrain yourself. He'll come around eventually, and in the meantime, no killing. Now, it's getting late. We should be going off to bed." He crouched down next to Xeredahl, smiling. "You'll be alright here won't you? Enjoy your first night."


The other demons had been gone for barely an hour when Xeredahl began his escape. Slowly he worked his shackled hands in front of his body by slipping them under his legs, wincing only slightly when the silver brushed against his skin. Once his hands were in front of him, he pushed himself to a sitting position, finally wiping a hand against the dried blood at his mouth.

The place where the chain was attached would be weak, he knew that. Attachable objects were only so strong, so he should be able to break it with relative ease and be far away from the pack by morning.

Xeredahl began working his fingers in the attachment, tugging as hard as he could. He had to get at least one corner up, and then it would be easier.

The minutes passed by slowly, inching past him so that he was painfully aware of them, but finally he was able to work one of the corners up. His breathing was harder as he began pulling on the corner until it finally popped off with a soft metallic clang.

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