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Pood was at the hospital with cry, cry was ok he broke a lot of bones. Poods left to get some things from the house. When he got to his house he saw all the mess. He saw the photo on the wall he cleaned up a little and got all the stuff he need and left. Pood left the stuff at the hospital and left again he when to edgers house. He knocked on the door. The door opened slowly. Poods kick it for it would go faster. He hit edger with the door, Poods knew that was behind the door. Poods knew that edger messed up his place and pushed cry off the roof. Poods beat up edger and left. A few day later cry could go home. He still and casts but, he could go house. Poods clean up the house and he didn't tell cry what happen. Poods put cry to bed. Poods went shopping. Poods when to get things for cry. Edger saw Dr.Crab Poods said hi but dr crab didn't even look at him. Poods when to his house and took care of cry.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 16, 2015 ⏰

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