Chapter 7: The Lie

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At nine am, my cellphone buzzes. I throw off my comforter and grope around on my bedside table with my eyes closed.


"Yes, hi. This is Lois, Reese's mother."

I lurch into a sitting position and cover the mouthpiece. "Toria," I hiss.

My sister doesn't stir. Her mess of curlers and ashy brown hair are the only visible thing from underneath her comforter. I pick up my stuffed polar bear and toss it at her head. She tugs the covers low enough to glare at me.

"Help," I hiss to her. I point at my cellphone when she gives me a confused look.

"Hello? Is anyone there?"

"Uh, yes, hi." I fling off my covers and swing my legs over the side of my bed. "Did you say you're Reese's mom?"

Toria forces herself up onto her elbow. Her expression is still confused as she mouths, 'why is she calling?' I put up my hands and shake my head, 'I don't know.'

"That's right," Lois says.

I have literally no idea what to say now. Toria mouths something to me but I can't make it out. Grabbing her phone, she smashes the keys for a few seconds then turns it for me to read: Ask her what.

"Am I speaking to Marney Dillon?"

"Yes, this is she. Me." I wince but keep going, "May I ask what this is about?"

"You may; Reese informed you two had plans today but sadly he can't make it. He's grounded."

"Because of the billboard," I blurt out.

"Correct." The irritation in her voice is thick. "You two will have to postpone."

I cover the mouthpiece and repeat that to Toria, who's sitting up now. She frowns and glances around the room. Snapping her fingers, she points at my school books on my desk. More button smashes: You're tutoring him.

"Oh," I begin as I nod and give my sister a thumbs up, "I'm sorry to hear that. Tell him we'll get together before the next" my mind rushes through classes we might actually have overlapping; Toria mouths the word 'math' "Math test."

"What's that now?"

"I had arranged to tutor Reese in math today for our test on" Toria mouths 'Monday' "Monday."

"Oh." Lois is quiet for a minute.

"I know it's last minute, but it's the only time we were both available."

I stand and cross to the foot of Toria's bed where her books are. Her math book is on top. Algebra. Luckily Toria is like me in that math isn't a strength.

"Reese didn't tell me that's what this was," Lois says finally.

"It's fine, I'm sure he'll do fine on his own."

"No, I'm afraid he won't. When can you come over?"

I can't help but grin. "How does three sound?"

"Sounds great, I'll make sure he's ready."

"Great, see you at three."

"Three it is. Bye now."

Pressing end, I toss my phone onto my bed and flash Toria a grin. I should really feel bad for lying to her, but I don't.

"You'll need to dress smart," Toria says as she crawls out of bed.

I put up my hand, "We not going to talk about what I just pulled off?"

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