Chapter 22

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I felt Harry stirring behind me. I was faced away from him with my eyes shut tightly. I was reluctant to come out of sleep. What really woke me up was when I felt the bed move and then heard Harry's footsteps as he came around the bed and disappeared into the bathroom.

It couldn't have been much past dawn. The room still had the stifled, bluish light that is present before the sun fully appears. I closed my eyes for a moment after convincing myself Harry had only gotten up to use the toilet.

Sleep returned without my knowing. I woke up for the second time with Harry leaned over me. He was fully clothed in jeans and his t-shirt. He had even managed to put his coat on. Harry's face was close to mine. His eyes looked distant, tired. His hair was lazily swept up into a ponytail.

"I've got to go, love." His voice was raspy from sleep with a clear twinge of apology.

"Go where?" I rubbed my eyes.

"I have to be to the studio. The boys and I are doing a bit for a radio station. It's really early still. I didn't want you to wake up without me and not know where I had gone. Go back to sleep." He swept the hair out of my face and kissed my forehead.

I watched through squinted eyes as Harry walked to the door to leave my room. I felt a sudden burst of bravery likely induced by my deliriousness from sleep. "What are you doing on Wednesday?" It was the question that had been biting at the back of my mind since the phone call. Harry had made plans with someone for Wednesday. I wanted to know what was going on.

Harry looked over his shoulder. "Niall, Louis, and I are going to look at a venue for a project. Gemma is coming to London and wanted to have dinner with us that evening. I meant to ask you sooner if you were available."

I was much more awake now. He hadn't even missed a beat when responding. "Oh. I would love to see Gemma."

"Good!" Harry smiled. "I'll call you in a few hours. We'll get dinner or something."

"Have fun today," I called after him as he went down the stairs.

I still didn't know who Harry had been talking to on the phone in the early hours of that morning. I still didn't know why he had been so quick to conceal the identity of the person. I still didn't understand why he couldn't have just told me what was going on. But I did understand that he had given me an answer. He had made plans to visit a venue with two other boys and then meet his sister. If that was what Harry told me, that was what I was going to believe. I didn't have a reason to doubt him.

I had been cold to Harry. I had shut him out after he had really put a lot of effort into our Valentine's Day date. I felt guilty. I would have to find a way to make it up to him. 


{Harry's Point of View}

I really hated lying to Kate. I wasn't stupid; I knew she had refused to stay those two nights with me because she was upset over the phone call. It had been reckless to make the phone call that late with her staying over, but I had to speak to the woman. We had to plan a time to meet up.

Being in a relationship always requires trust and honesty. Being in a relationship while also being in a famous band requires even more trust and honesty. I had never lied to Kate before. Early on, we had both sworn to always be honest, even when it was difficult. There were times when we had to say what neither of us wanted to say in order to resolve disputes.

I had violated that trust and I felt awful. The only thing keeping me from turning back and telling her the truth was that I felt it better to keep the secret for now. Kate would find the truth out eventually. It was better to wait and hopefully she would have a good reaction.

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