Chapter 59

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{Kate's Point of View}

The three concerts came and went without me. I sat home and ignored text messages and phone calls. I kept the television off in case the evening news mentioned the concert. I kept the radio off because the traffic reports linked heavy traffic to concertgoers heading to the stadium. I stayed home because the entire city of London had decided to purchase One Direction merchandise and wear it out in public to mock me. I logged off all social media because even the thought of seeing Harry's name made me feel ill.

Sunday morning was the smell of buttered toast and the sound of Coldplay. The thought of an imminent concert didn't loom over me like a dark raincloud any longer now that the London series had been completed. There was finally hope—until my phone rang. I switched "The Scientist" off, silencing the music. I looked to see that it was Julia calling me. I had ignored her calls all weekend and couldn't bring myself to press decline again.


"Kate? Are you okay?"

"Fine," I said.

"Listen, I need you to come down to the office."


"Are you available?"

"On a Sunday?"

"This is very important." Julia sounded nervous.

"I suppose I can be down there. How soon do you need me?"

"As soon as possible."

"Okay, I'll be there in forty minutes."

"Right. See you then." 


Alessandra was usually the one to take me from my house to the office. If not her, Harry was always ready and willing to give me a ride. But today, I had neither. I waited in the summer heat for the bus to arrive. A Sunday afternoon with good weather had lured people out of their homes and so the bus was crowded. I squeezed between a woman and a young teenage boy cradling a skateboard. The bus drove slowly and the brakes squeaked loudly.

The bus stopped just a block from the office building. I hurried toward the front doors and found only one of them to be unlocked. Nearly every light was turned out except the light leading to Julia's office. I raised my fist and knocked on her office door.

"Come in!"

I twisted the knob and was greeted by Julia in rare form. Her hair was swept back in a bun and she wore glasses. Her normal professional attire was replaced with a hoodie and jogging shorts. "Hello," I smiled.

"Please, have a seat."

The last time I sat across from Julia, I had been informing her of my concussion and amnesia. At that time, I had Harry with me for support. Today, I was alone. The chair beside me was empty.

"What's this about?" I asked.

Julia hesitated. She leaned back in her chair and let out a sigh that was anything but reassuring. "Kate, you have truly been an asset to our company. You worked efficiently and flawlessly. You have exercised good judgment. You have shown impressive leadership skills. You were calculated and precise and balanced. We have been nothing but pleased with you."

She was speaking in past tense.

"Thank you."

"Unfortunately, we are going to have to part ways."

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