Chapter 3

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*A few months later*

The days were slowly getting warmer. We drove towards the abandoned 'safe' neighborhood where the middle class resided during the Cleansing. When the homes became less frequent, we drove up to a pale brown and white house. Once parked, I quickly jumped out of Sam's jeep, the fire axe I brought on my shoulder. I stomped up the stairs to the house. The faded paint that peeled from neglect looked almost drained of color. The lawn was dry  and riddled with dirt patches where a full green yard once stood. I let myself feel almost paranoid to be there. The shrubs out front were dried out as if neglected for a few months. I let out a shout of anger as I busted through my front door's lock. Well, at one point it had been mine, but I had left it behind. I had to. Dad left me no choice. What 12 year old needs to kick rocks and learn to survive on their own? But I made it by myself before I met Zane or even got close to Sally. I never really felt the need to bring up my home life after being with them for so long. They became my family in a way. They taught me how to take care of myself better than I had before meeting them. When the cities were full, we couldn't squat anywhere but had to constantly move throughout the forrests surrounding the city. Hunting, fishing, helping the others I met in the camps and being able to be a kid with the others really did help me be better, I felt. Then, it didn't make me feel so alone. But things were different now.

Even though we had our own safe zone and majority of the city was a crumbling ruin, people who survived and were still alive still depended on us. But we had to be there for a more realistic reason other than a nostalgia trip. After a few more swings, and the dead bolt fell to the ground and I nudged the door open with my boot. Sally, who was barely 7 months pregnant, she walked out from behind me, her knife out to check out the inside. Sam tapped my shoulder as I pulled the axe down from the door frame. I turned and he held my empty backpack outstretched towards me. I took it with a nod, handing him the axe in return. "You guys didn't have to come with me." I reminded them. He turned to put the axe back in the Jeep.

"Sure we did!" Sally called out from inside before Sam could reply. She stepped into view, in her red long sleeve and dirty jeans. Her naturally long dark hair was tied back and she held a cheeky smile. "We've only heard so much about it, so we couldn't miss out. I can't resist being able to tell Zane." she chuckled. She had a point. Though Zane and I were practically siblings, not even he could get anything out of me about before we had met. But I knew they weren't trying to be mean when they wanted to pry... I honestly hated having to retell my tale. I didn't want that to define how they perceived me. Especially since I still resented myself for it.

"Im pretty sure I never told you about before we met." I said.

"All the more reason to tag along." Sam said quickly and stood beside me. He gave me a gentle smile. I didn't return it. We needed supplies and I knew where the basement was. It was full of all kinds of end-of-the-world bullshit that my father bought into before I was born. He always restocked it with fresh provisions and medical kits. That and I knew where he used to keep the basement key. It wasn't hidden, but I didn't want to ever have to clutch in my hand again. That was the only reason I had even agreed to go on this specific run.We needed food. Especially with a new born on the way. But I agreed under the condition that I went alone... And of course, Sam had something to say about that. He usually did. Ever since we met, one wasn't too far from the other, but I didn't mind. He was always a good friend to me. He never lied or attempted to abuse our friendship,  which was rare even before the Cleansing. I just didn't want to be anywhere near the place.

I slowly took a few steps foward, "Can we just get the necessities and dip? I don't want to stay here long. If the sun goes down we'll be stuck here and I don't want that." I looked at both of them.

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