Chapter 10

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I jogged towards the infirmary with Frank behind me some. In the Infirmary was Sam. He was seated, sorting through ammo and other gadgets we had collected. I quickly reached the room, slamming the door behind me and locking it on Frank so he wouldn't fully hear me yell at Sam. Frank of course began slamming his fists onto the door.

"The fuck just happened?" I demanded as Frank continued to bang on the infirmary door loud behind me.

Sam spun around, almost surprised. His eyes relaxed once he saw that it was me. He tried to be calm, "I'm have no idea-" he began. He was going to lie to me? Really?

I cut him off, "Don't you lie to me, or I'm fucking gone." I pointed my thumb behind me. "And I don't have anything holding me back." I added. His eyes widened in realisation that I was, in fact, not lying. Only Zane and Sally kept me there and before that morning, Sam, too. He knew better than to pull the lying card on me. I had more than enough reason to bail out, despite my promises to Zane. I had enough things whirling around in my head at that time. I didn't want anymore confusion.

His shook his head lightly, "Why would you leave over me lying?" he asked me. I took that as me leaving did matter to him. Then what was so important about that basement door that he would lie to me about it?

"Why would you lie to me when you already know what the hell I've been through?" I asked him back. He looked away, as if my question bothered him. "Why would I stick around when my best friend, who helped me make this place livable, is lying to me over some shit I don't even understand?" I demanded from him. " Why don't you just help me understand?"

"I don't mean to lie to you, Audrey." he paused and exhaled, "You know I don't usually, but I do not want anything between us changing." he argued. He paused and looked at me seriously, "And please don't leave." he asked of me.

"What is that door downstairs?" I asked him. He looked away. As if the answer was bad for me to even hear, "And what was up with that humming when I ran to it?" I asked. His eyes immediately shot up to me. His demeanor immediately changed, his full attention was on me. It seemed like he felt guilty.

"Humming? What humming?" he asked me, seeming surprised.He stood up as if to inspect me. I glared at him, not believing in his sudden body change.

"Really, dude?" I snapped at him. "Don't act like you didn't hear it. I thought I was drowning that... vibrating hell." I said, not sure how else to explain it.

He blinked a few times, "Audrey," he began and sat in the chair he was previously seated in, "You need to understand that we can talk about the door and the humming after we go over what the cop told me." he said looking past me at the door behind me, still being knocked and pounded on by Frank. We could hear his curses as we listened to his struggle. The doors at Margie's were literally built to keep people freaking out like Frank out.

I pointed at him as I began to walk backwards towards the door, " This isn't over," I whisper-yelled at him. He nodded vigorously as I opened the door for Frank.

Frank was red faced and pretty pissed off as he stomped into the room. "Where is that fuckin' pig?" he demanded as he scanned the room and only saw me and Sam. No man in uniform. He must've wanted to 'interrogate' him too.

"He is chained up in a make shift cell with Walter. He... Fainted before I could finish asking him questions." Sam answered slowly looking from Frank to me slowly.

Frank turned his attention to me, "And why did you slam the door in my face?" he demanded.

"Hey, you're here to find out what I am. If the tracker has been to other cities. If the cops saw other survivors. If we are their main target or part of a bigger picture. If we have to leave HQ and make a new one, we're here to find out. Don't grill me for grilling my partner." I shrugged at his glare. I was hoping he'd flow with whatever answer I gave him. He looked between Sam and I before the color came back to his face. "Have you even eaten today?" I asked him calmly, trying to appeal to his calmer side.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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