Chapter 5: Meg

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209 A.B.

(4 months after the Runner's Rebellion)

"Are you sure that you're up for this, your Majesty?" The handmaid, Sera, asks me cautiously. "Your injury is still healing...perhaps you should rest a while longer."

"Thank you, Sera, but the sooner I get out of bed, the sooner I can get a handle on this treaty with the Wastelanders." I accept Sera's shoulder when she offers it, rising to my feet and swaying from the rush of blood to my head.

"Are you all right?" She asks nervously.

"Yes, perfectly." I blink the spots of light from my vision and plaster a smile on my face. "There, you see? Now, if you'd be so kind as to draw me a bath, I'd like to make myself presentable."

"Of course, your Majesty."

Twenty minutes and most of a bar of soap later, I am beginning to feel like myself again. Sera helps me to change the putrid dressing the Waster medicine man, Cade, made for me. The wound I sustained from Rowan's arrow is re-wrapped with fresh gauze and tingles only slightly beneath my gown. As I dress, I make a mental note to ask Cade to share his medical knowledge with our physicians.

"Could you arrange a carriage for me, Sera?" I ask, checking my reflection once more in the glass. "I'm going to visit the troops." Kay and Will have already left for the Outer City, but I should be able to find the Waster chief training his warriors alongside our soldiers.

Sera acquiesces and slips through the door. I take an extra moment to smooth my hair, rolling my injured shoulder tentatively before making my way down the stairs and out the glass Palace's front archway. My carriage rolls up a moment later and I allow the driver to escort me into my seat, sitting forward so that my shoulder isn't jostled during the bumpy ride.

When we finally draw up outside of the training grounds, I am surprised to find that I am nervous. The driver helps me out of the carriage and I give him a gracious smile, clasping my hands together tightly to quell their shaking. This is my first appearance in public since Rowan attacked Kay and I in the alleyway; I can only imagine the rumours and gossip being flung about since then.

No matter. I was going to have to face my people sooner or later. I borrow from my old protective, haughty persona and thrust my chin in the air, strolling purposefully across the open ground to where my regents have already gathered to watch the proceedings. The regents immediately stand to attention when I approach, offering me relieved smiles and warm embraces in turn.

"You look marvelous, my Queen." One regent, an older woman and former Fragment, compliments me. "I am so pleased to see you back on your feet."

"Thank you, Sasha." I say, giving her my most gracious smile. "I feel much improved."

"I am glad to hear it. We were all extremely concerned about you."

"Well, worry no longer." I cast my gaze out over the training field, watching the Wastelanders and soldiers run their drills. "How is everyone coping with the new alliance?"

The regents exchange concerned looks.

"Fairly well." Sasha says, cautiously. "With some exceptions."

As if on cue, there is shouting from the field in front of us. I glance over, frowning at the sight of a Wastelander and a City soldier violently shoving one another back and forth. Both are red-faced and I feel myself tensing when I notice the weapons clasped tightly in their respective hands. Before the fight can escalate, however, Jaron appears from out of nowhere and yanks the Wastelander bodily back, inserting himself into the centre of the fray. The chief's huge, hulking frame instantly dwarfs the two men and they step back, lowering their weapons.

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