5 - "He's got rebellious written all over him."

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Chapter 5 -  "He's got rebellious written all over him."

On Tuesday, Matt did something he hadn't done in a while: he ate lunch with us. It perhaps had something to do with Nathan. In fact, it probably had a lot to do with Nathan. Last night, Matt had text me, asking who Nathan was, how I knew him, was he going to be hanging around a lot et cetera. I gave vague answers before assuring Matt that Nathan was not a threat and that he should trust me. The trust line always worked and Matt backed off after that, proceeding to tell me that he had a right to be jealous when his girlfriend was so beautiful. Nevertheless, he ate lunch with me on the Tuesday. Nathan wasn't there to begin with. Kat, however, was.  

"I cannot believe you told him about Tommy!" she exclaimed, sitting down next to me.  

"Afternoon to you too, Kat," I said dryly. "And I didn't. You brought him up while we were eating." 

"Yeah, but not in the context of the English classrooms." 

"You and Tommy hook up in the English classrooms?" Matt asked, his eyes widening in shock.  

Kat sighed in irritation and shot him an impatient look before turning back to me. "I was so embarrassed, Izzy!" 

"I didn't say anything about you hooking up in the English classrooms. He just put two and two together. And besides, do you really think he hasn't done something like that before?" I  raised my eyebrows. "I mean, you only have to look at the guy. He's got rebellious written all over him." 

"It doesn't make it less embarrassing for me!" 

"Okay, Kat, I'm sorry. You know, he didn't even comment on it at the time. I think he just said it to have a laugh and make a joke." 

"Okay, stop talking, he's coming," she said in a hushed tone, suddenly busying herself with the plate of food sitting on the table in front of her.  

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head to myself. Nathan took a seat opposite to Matt, and diagonal to me, wasting no time in launching into conversation.  

"The chemistry lessons in this school are amazing!" he said immediately with a grin. "You get to do experiments!" 

"You're not in Jess' class then?" I asked him, noticing her absence.

"Nah. Shame. But my lab partner's cool." 

"Who's your lab partner?" Kat asked, miraculously regaining all composure.

"Some guy called Tommy White?" Nathan replied, raising an eyebrow.  

Her cheeks pinkened, and somehow she still pulled it off. Only Kat could make embarrassment look sexy.

"Yeah he said he had chemistry with Katrina...but you weren't in the class..." Nathan continued, feigning confusion. "I was pretty puzzled. And then I remembered what you said yesterday, and suddenly it made sense. He likes your tongue just as much, you'll be pleased to hear." 

"You're such a liar. Tommy didn't say any of that." Kat huffed and folded her arms.

Nathan laughed good-heartedly. "True. Funny, though. I am actually lab partners with him, but we didn't talk about you." Nathan had a habit of changing the conversation quickly and his attention was suddenly on Matt. "Ah! The boyfriend! Matt, right?" 

"Right," Matt nodded, his hand straying to rest on my knee. Considering Matt wasn't keen on being affectionate in public, I could only assume that this was an act of possessiveness, rather than affection. "Funny, you seem to know me, yet Isobel hasn't mentioned you." 

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