24 - "Matthew certainly liked it last night."

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Chapter 24 - "Matthew certainly liked it last night."

I woke up the next morning in a good mood. Out of curiosity, I checked to see if anyone had commented on my new relationship status. Even though I was ecstatically happy to be with Nathan, I couldn't help but feel slightly apprehensive about how other people may react to the news.  

Nathan had clearly received and accepted the notification from me that said that I was claiming to be in a relationship with him. It now read:  

Isobel Smith is in a relationship with Nathan Hunt.  

I was surprised that Jess hadn't text me about the fact Nathan and I were "official". I was even more surprised to see that she wasn't waiting by my locker to pounce on me and begin the interrogation. What surprised me the most, however, was the person who actually was waiting by my locker. 


She didn't look like her usual self, though. Rather than wearing heels with her skinny jeans, she was wearing flat pumps. Instead of wearing her hair down, it was scraped back into a messy bun. Kat used to love standing out from the crowd and drawing attention to herself; her confidence was one of the things that made her so sexy. Maybe now, after everything that had happened, she just wanted to blend in. 

Knowing that it would be immature to ignore her, even though I wanted to, I decided to be the bigger person and address her directly.  

"What is it, Kat? I've told you that apologies aren't going to—" 

"I'm not here to apologise," she said, interrupting me. "I know you won't accept them, no matter how genuine they are." 

"Why are you here, then?" I asked her, sliding my key into my locker and twisting it until the door sprang open.  

"Just to say that I'm happy for you and Nathan," she told me. "Genuinely happy. You deserve someone like him. It's been obvious from day one that he cares deeply about you, and I'm happy that you're now with someone who'll treat you right and give you the love you deserve."  

I wasn't sure how to respond to that little speech and so I remained silent for a few moments whilst I digested it and tried to decide how to proceed.  

Taking advantage of the fact that I hadn't immediately thrown it back in her face, Katrina powered on. 

"I do mean it. And I know I went on for ages about how you deserved better than Matt. Part of that was guilt, but part of it was genuine, regardless of the fact he cheated on you. He'd never treated you right, Izzy. And I know you saw past that 'cause of how much you cared. Even if you don't believe me, I understood how you felt. You wanted to believe he was a good person and that all the bad things he did weren't important in the long run. But Nathan is so great. I just wanted you to know that." 

I sighed and closed my eyes slightly to try to calm myself. I needed to remain civil but firm. 

"Kat...I hate how things are between us. But they're never going to be any different, okay? I can't be friends with someone who was so willing to betray me like that. I appreciate your approval of Nathan, but I'd appreciate it even more if you left me alone." 

She looked hurt but nodded. "Yeah, I get it." 

I turned to leave but walked straight into someone. My apology died on my lips when I realised who it was. Lucy stood there, dressed in clothes that really weren't appropriate for the English November weather. Looking at her slender legs that we were exposed beneath the extremely short skirt she was wearing, I couldn't help but feel inadequate when it came to Matt. I shouldn't be worrying about that kind of thing anymore now that I was with Nathan—I genuinely was happy with him—but how did Matt put up with me for so long when he had models like Lucy chasing after him? 

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