Dancing With The Stars

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Dancing With The Stars

September 8th 2025

Mia's POV

            After Gianna's wedding life kind of got busy for me again. I didn't tell Demi or anybody but Sara, but I booked Dancing With The Stars. They have wanted me on the show for years and finally I said yes. I don't have anything going on right now so I thought it would be the perfect time. Once the wedding drama ended I told Demi about Dancing and she was really excited for me.

            I got my partner two weeks after the wedding. At first I didn't care who I got, but in the end I was really excited to get Mark Ballas. To surprise my partner, I rented out the Staples Center and when I saw Mark I got really excited. Mark and I kind of became close right away, we just clicked. Right away we bonded over our tattoos. We spent most of our first day just talking about them.

            We rehearsed together for two weeks before the first show. The first live show I almost sh!t my pants I was so nervous. But things went okay. Mark has been training me in heels because I have to wear them. I found that to be a bit ridiculous but it's something I can't change. The second live show went a bit better because I knew what to expect. I got harsh critics from the judges though, saying that I really need to feel throughout the dance, that I need to show my emotions more. I know from the past that a lot of people say that I come off like a bitch because I don't show much emotion. So that's something that isn't new.

            But to be called out on it for three weeks in a row got me mad. The third show went fine, Mark and I got 7's and more comments on my lack of emotion. After the show I flew back to Texas and went to sleep when I got home. Mark and I won't start practice till Wednesday so I have Tuesday off to recover. Mark is going to fly out to Texas for practice this week because this week is the most memorable year.

            So taking the advice from the judge's I'm going to show them my emotion. I don't even know how I will be able to get through this dance let alone the week. Demi and the kids have been keeping me busy and I have been trying not to think about it so much.

            When Mark arrived with the camera crew I made them stay outside. Grabbing my car keys I gave Demi a kiss on the cheek and lead them to my truck. We all piled in and the guy holing the camera asked were we were going.

                        "For my most memorable year I choose 2013. Right now we are going to a place that holds a lot of memories for me, it's where it all started." For the rest of the ride we were all quiet. I doesn't take me long to drive back to my childhood home because there wasn't a lot of traffic.

            As we got out of the car I looked at the park that was in front of me. I didn't say anything to them but walked towards the swings and took a seat. Mark sat next to me and I waited for everybody to come over before I started talking.

                        "This is were my childhood home once stood. When I moved back to Dallas permanently I finally had it torn down." I said looking around at the empty park.

                        "Why is 2013 your most memorable year?" Mark asked.

                        "A lot of things happened that year, some good, some bad but the one thing that always sticks out of my mine is that I finally got out of my abusive home. I ran away at the age of 17 because I couldn't take it any more. I didn't get far from my house before I was hit by a car because I didn't look before I crossed the street. The person who hit me was Demi." I said and chuckled a bit remember what happened.

                        "You're wife hit you with her car?" Mark asked.

                        "Yea" I said laughing thinking about it. "Needless to say she still isn't the best driver in the world." I added.

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