Flash Back

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I know that Danny understands how I feel, but I still can't bring myself to tell him what happened...


I was in a dark room and I kept hearing the same words over and over. "We should never have trusted you!!!" and it was all of the guardian's voices and Sandy's symbols. I woke up from my nightmare only to find myself in another one. I was in a hot muggy room with my staff nowhere in sight. I remembered what Pitch had said about kidnapping me and taking my staff to the pole. I just hoped that they would find me soon. Then I saw Pitch walking towards me, "Oh your finally awake." I glared at him and said, "Where am I?" He looked at me with an evil grin and said,"Oh you don't remember. I caught you snooping around the new Halloween spirits hide out. Unfortunately, I'm not ready for you yet so go back to sleep." As he said this I felt the world get even darker than it already was. I was put in another nightmare, it was my sister on the cracking ice. I was there, but I didn't get to her in time she fell through. I woke up screaming her name,"Sarah!!" I tried to catch my breathe and process what just happened.

"It seems that I've struck a nerve. Tell me who was this 'Sarah'?" Pitch growled.

"Don't you dare say her name or I'll -" Pitch interrupted me and said,"Or what you don't have your staff, your friends, or your freedom. You have nothing." Pitch spat. I didn't say anything as he dragged me to another room filled with nightmares.

"I want your fear to be the first taste they've had in a while." said Pitch.

"I'm not afraid of you." I said still trying to catch my breathe.

"Then I'll just have to make you fear me." he said coldly as he made a whip out of his black sand. I wasn't afraid of him I was afraid of the pain, he lashed me 25 times at full force. Dragged me back to the first room chained me to the wall and put me in another nightmare. This one was the worst one my sister fell through the ice again and I heard her voice say. "I should never have trusted you to save me." when I heard those words... they broke me. I didn't know that I could get so upset until now.


The physical scars will fade, I thought. The mental ones not so much, but I can't help but wonder. What did Danny's parents do to him?

Flash back

It was a normal day of patrol I was flying towards the park. When all of the sudden I felt a sharp pain in my neck and then everything went black. I woke up strapped to a metal examination table. I saw my mom messing with a tray filled with scalpels and syringes...


I know how much people love to see those words.

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