Rose: Arranged marriage to Mr Billionaire

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Rose POV,

I was ready for this, it was about time Uncle Darren gave me a bloody driving lesson. He'd bought me a car but no one would teach me how to drive it, dad kept on hiding the keys apparently I had no sense of direction and couldn't be trusted with such heavy machinery.

Ben had given me a lesson on his motorbike but I'd crashed it in the bushes and broke his side mirrors, when Mum and Dad found out that he'd let me have a go on the motorbike Dad had taken the keys to his Harley.

But Ben being Ben was tired of giving me a lift everywhere and had taken my car keys out of Dad's office when he was in a board meeting. We'd snuck out I had jumped into the driver's seat, was reversing the car out of the drive and I crashed the car into the gate breaking the sensors and the gate wouldn't open.

My family might have a point that I'm not that good at steering a wheel, but no one has tried teaching me. Okay Dad might have but he had a panic attack every time a car drove by and he refused to let Mum teach me because she's 'reckless.'

"If my daughter comes back with so much as even a paper cut, Darren. You're screwed." Dad passed my car keys over to Uncle Darren, who laughed and slapped him on the back.

"Like I would let anything happen to my favourite niece, stop being paranoid and over protective Blade. She's a brilliant driver, like mother like daughter." He smiled at me, I looked up at Dad giving him an encouraging smile and hug. He kissed my forehead,

"Be careful sweetheart, listen carefully to Darren make sure you look at your blind spot." He squeezed me closer to him not letting me go. Mum came into our living room with Ben behind her who was annoying mum because she wouldn't let him go on the driving lesson with us.

"Mum, pleaseeeeeeee! I'm bored and I want to watch Rose's badass driving skills, I've been with her in every car crash she needs me MUM!" He'd grabbed hold of mum's shoulders and was giving her his serious face. He's 22 years old and Mum stills babies him and finds him adorable, she kissed his check and said no.

"Benny, you're too lively (i.e. bonkers) you'll distract her and she needs to concentrate," Mum walked over to Dad and I. Dad put his arms around her and gave her a quick kiss. "You'll do great Rose relax Darren's a great teacher, now off you go baby. Blade let go off her" mum sighed taking Dad's arm away from me.

Dad was glaring at Uncle Darren, he was angry that Uncle Darren had gotten me a car for my 17th Birthday.

"Let's go Rose," Uncle Darren walked out towards the garage, he's probably going to take the car out of the drive as I had a bit of a reputation for crashing into walls and hedges. Ben started to follow me out but Dad grabbed him I could hear him whining all the way out.

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