Arranged marriage to Mr Billionaire Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

"God she is such a bitch" Linken yelled from over my shoulder he grabbed the letter shoving it dad's face. "Dad there is millions of people that live in Germany how the hell are we going to find this one man?" Linken started to pace while dad read the letter he looked extremely pissed off then he just stared at mom his gaze locked with hers his expression pleading for something , my mother sighed looking resigned she grabbed hold of dad's hands, dad pulled her it to his arms kissing her forehead.

"Were going to have to ask them for help sweetheart" Dad whispered to mom, Elena, Linken and myself were looking at him confused mom rested her head on dad's chest nodding her head.

"Do you think they will help us? I haven't spoken to them for twenty-five years then we just go to their doorstep expecting them to help me?" a tear slipped through moms eyes Linken and I reached out for her but dad shock his head.

"Sweetheart they have been trying to get in contact with you for years; this is there great grandson, surly they will help us" we all looked at our parents in frustration, they were being secretive which was really annoying and by the sound of Elena had had enough.

"Will you just tell us who the hell you are talking about because you are seriously irritating me!" she yelled coming to stand in between Linken and me her hands on her hips, if this situation hadn't been so stressful I would have been laughing at her.

"Were talking about your mother's parents" we all literally took a step back, our parents had never spoken of our grandparents we had assumed that they were dead.

"But there dead aren't they? That's why you never talk about them?" Linken asked wording my thoughts

"My parents are dead, but your mothers parents are quite healthy living in Germany" dad said matter of factly.

"And why the hell didn't we know that? What is it with this family and god damn secrets?" Linken was furious, "Why didn't we know that your parents live in Germany?" Linken said looking at mom.

Mathew sighed exaggeratedly still standing at the door.

"Guys Do you want Ben to die? Because you're taking ages talking, can't we talk on the aeroplane? I've got the private jet ready to go at midday; you have nine hours to get ready. Blade I recommend you go home get some rest then get your family ready, you need to be at the airport at 11:30 don't be late!" he tossed the car keys at me walking out.

I looked at my siblings and parents, Linken and Elena looked stressed out which I knew was for their nephew, dad was looking at mum with worry and mum was holding on to dad her hands clutching his shirt tightly I could see fear in her eyes, was she scared to see her parents? And why hadn't she seen her parents for twenty-five years? I walked over to my mom placing my hand on my mom's cheek kneeling down to her she level wrapped her arms around. I felt like I was five again running to my mom whenever I was upset and she would hug me making me feel better instantly and whenever Linken and I use to wrest and I would get hurt mom would always put Linken in the naughty corner and give me her special hugs. I hadn't realised how much pain I was actually in until my mother wrapped her arms around me, the pain that I might lose my son, the pain that the girl I loved had gone through all her life and when she comes to live with me, the pain that my own aunty put her through, how, by her coming to live with me had caused her more than ever before.

"Blade baby you don't worry yourself everything is going to be all right, were going to find this man I know a lot of people in Germany it is where I grew up" she pulled out of the hug kissing my forehead "go and get some rest for a while we will see you soon." Dad patted my back, Linken hugged me and I kissed Elena on her forehead leaving the house, I sped all the way to my skyscraper I jumped up the stairs pressing the button to the elevator anxious to see Ben and Caramel. I walked down the stairs to Ben's bedroom opening the door checking in on him, he was fast asleep snoring lightly I walked in pulling his blanket around him he opened his watery grey eyes, whispering "daddy" he pulled on my hand I laid down next to him wrapping his small body in my arms he closed his eyes following back to sleep I waited till he was deep in sleep I left his room, peeking into Darren's room see how he was doing but her wasn't in bed. I ran up to my room to find Darren sleeping next to his sister his arm hanging of the bed I walked quietly up to him shacking him gently he got up straight away rubbing his eyes,

"Bro what happened?" he whispered looking at Caramel to see whether she heard us or not but she was sound asleep looking peaceful, I sat down picking her small hand up and placing it in my huge hands feeling complete again having contact with her.

"Were leaving for Germany at twelve Darren bro be ready at eleven and have Ben ready please, I will explain what I know in the morning, go and get some sleep where going to have one ruff day tomorrow. And Darren I promise I will make it up to you," he looked at me confused "Your birthday, when all this is behind us I'll get you whatever you want anything you want" he grabbed hold of my shoulder,

"putting the obvious bad things behind me that's been going on, this has been the best week of my life I actually have a real family you don't know how good that feels, and Nefertari gave me the best birthday present ever something I wouldn't even dream on having" he kissed his father's ring on his index finger squeezing my shoulder walking out. I stripped of my clothes leaving my boxers on and climbing into bed Caramel immediately curled up next to me, I lifted her head so it rested on my chest pulling her securely to my side wrapping my arm around her. My eye lids started to get heavy but then I felt her soft lips on my chest making me shiver in enchantment "Blade" she whispered in her sleepy husky voice she tilted her head so she could see my face I smiled warmly down at her, she pulled herself up so that her face was hovering above mine her hair falling around my face, I tucked her soft hair behind her ears bringing my hands to her face, she placed her small female hands on my face her thumb stroking across my lips, I pulled her lips down towards mine her soft lips meeting mine she kissed me for a few seconds pulling away looking at me with pure love.

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