Chapter Fifteen

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Hey everyone,  

This chapter goes out to all of the impatient readers who asked me (in the prologue) how she knew her father's story. This is how she knew, as you noticed everything's in the past tense for a reason, this is her story.

Oh and the girl on the right is Chloe, a bit younger than twelve but that's sort of what she looks like in my head! Is that how you imagined her?

BTW check out loooliiipop1234's story, especially the new one, You'll Never Know it's Me!

Enough talking! Happy Reading!


I sat down on the chair between my father and his uncle, the waiter passed around the menus, about two thirds of the guests wore their glasses, and I had to bite my lip to sustain my laughter. I was the last one to order before they brought the wine; Dad didn't drink, it was one of those doctor regulations they had at the hospital. But his mother on the other hand...she looked as if she was ready to swim in it. 

"It's nice to have you all here, although it's a pity some decided not to come," Aunt Jane commented.

"It's nice to have you too, Aunt Jane," Dad's uncle commented.

"She's a beautiful girl, William," Aunt Jane commented.

"Thank you, Aunt."

"How old are you sweetheart?" She asked.

"I'm twelve years old," I replied my voice a bit shaky.

"Oh has it been that long?" 

Dad cleared his throat, his mother took a sip of her red wine.

"And what school do you go to?" Dad's uncle asked. Geez, I never knew dinner was a secret interrogation.

"Manhattan Middle School." 

My grandmother scoffed, she muttered something I couldn't make out.

"Mother," Dad said angrily.

I was glad I didn't hear a thing. 

"Why isn't she in a private school, William?" Dad's uncle's wife commented.

This definitely caught my father off guard, "umm...well it's better for her to be around different people. She's even on the swim team."

Oh, so now he cares?...

"That's nice, how fast are you?" Dad's cousin asked.

"Well I can do fifty meters in forty seconds," 

He whistled, "that's pretty fast." 

I smiled proudly.

"Are you thinking about joining the Olympics?" Dad's uncle asked.

I laughed, "no, I'm not that serious!"

"Well it never hurts to try," he said as he gave me a wink.

"I'll see," I replied.

Dad's cousin's wife broke the silence, "you know, William, she looks like you." 

My father smiled, "I get that a lot, others say she looks like her mother on the side," he said as he looked at me. It felt nice, him looking at me with a smile.

My grandmother muttered something else, "Mom," Dad nearly yelled. The other guests pretended they didn't hear a thing.

"Can I talk to you for a second please?" Hh said as he put his hand on her shoulder. Tthe mother and son duo got up to talk in somewhere private, and I was alone and clueless.

I took a huge gulp of water and grabbed some of the bread in the basket; whoever said food calms the nerves was right.

"Slowly, dear you might choke on that," Aunt Jane said.

"Sorry, Aunt Jane, I'm a pretty big fan of bread," I lied.

"Well aren't we all?" Aunt Jane giggled before she added. "You know, I can't imagine what my life would be like without croissants, I simply love them!" she exclaimed.

Dad and Grandma Bitter were back from their chat, Dad looked pretty mad while Grandma looked even more bitter as she gave me a serious stare.

"Oh, the salads are here," Dad's cousin commented trying to break the silence.

I was the only one that didn't order a salad. Just like wine, I believed salads were for grownups. Not for kids.

The adults ate their salads quietly while I stuffed myself with bread and water. The silence was interrupted by Dad's phone.

"Sorry, I have to take this," Dad said as he pulled out his cellphone from his trousers and walked away from the table.

My grandmother watched him go before she turned to me and spoke. "Chloe dear, do you know how your father had you?"

"Elizabeth," My grandfather spoke for the first time.

I didn't know what to say so I simply shook my head.

"Well, your father got your mother pregnant; I'm not going to explain how of course. Your naive mother thought he truly loved her, while your father did it over a ridiculous bet he had with his friends. Of course, they never intended to have you, so your mother finally got a brain and left you at your father's door. Oh, sweetheart you look pale, hasn't your father told you one part of it?"

I shook my head slightly and bit the inside of my cheek, a tear was ready to drop. I was embarrassed, I hated my grandmother, I hated them all for not stopping her.

I got up from my seat and muttered a low "excuse me," and ran to my father, who was outside the restaurant in the lobby. He stopped talking on the phone and hung up.

"What is it?" he said, his face was shocked, as if he knew what had happened.

My voice was shaky, "it's true isn't it? You played my mother over a stupid bet then she left me with you."

Dad cursed under his breath. So it was true.

"So that's why you hate me so much? That's why you avoid me?"

Dad was about to speak but I left him, I didn't want to go in, but I had to. I didn't want to ruin Aunt Jane's dinner, so I wiped my eyes and headed back to the table, my father right behind me.

My plate of spaghetti sat in front of me. I suddenly lost my appetite.

"Mother, I'd like a word with you," Dad said, his face was read.

"William, take a seat you look hot. Darling, everything you can say to me you can say right here," she said while smiling, I wish I could slap her.

"Fine, if that's how you want to play it." He was still standing up.

"What the hell did you tell my daughter? Forget what, why did you tell my daughter what happened thirteen years ago?"

"William, darling, I think she should know, she is the main victim after all. Sit down, you're making a scene."

Aunt Jane whispered something to the waiter.

"You know what? Screw you, Mom," Dad said as he grabbed my forearm and pulled me away from the table; dragging me out of the hotel with him. 

We both got into the car and didn't say anything the whole usual.

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