Late Night Editing -Simon

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It was 2:30 in the morning and Simon was still up editing. You were trying really hard to stay awake, but you were getting really tired. You still got up at decent times of the day and he didn't get up until late usually.

Your head was resting on his shoulder and were playing with your hands to try to stay awake. It wasn't working well and you were constantly trying to not let yourself sleep.

"Are you tired?" Simon's voice was quiet and sleepy. You nodded against his shoulder. "Almost done, love. Stay with me for a few more minutes." You made it to him shutting his monitor off, but barely. He brought his hands down on you like he was going to start tickling you, causing you to scream. You smacked him for probably having interrupted Vik's streaming of recording as well as Josh's semi-normal sleep pattern.

You crossed your arm and pouted. He got up and walked over to the bed, leaving you in your chair. You made a whining noise and got into bed. Simon pulled you down and into his arms. He nuzzled his face into your neck and let out a little sigh.

"Simon?" He looked up at you with tired eyes. You kissed his nose and his cheeks and down and his jaw. "Goodnight." With that you let your head drop on his chest and wrapped your arms around him.

"Goodnight, Y/N, even if you are a little tease."

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