Chapter 1

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This is a male to male story so people who don't like the kind of stuff, I'm warning you ahead of time. Thank you for dropping anyways.

It's so magical. The palace were so beautiful and it's really shimmering.

Could you imagine that?.

Like the floor and the walls are shining like a sea of very tiny stars in the night. There's a big staircase like what you see in a fairytale movies and its rail creeps vines hanging with multi color of flowers. The wall was gold in color and the chandeliers are so big and strikingly beautiful.

I'm dreaming.

Really I'm dreaming.

This can't be true.

I was mesmerized and got excited to explore the entire place.

Just when I step to the stair. The door at the end of the stair in front of me open revealing an aesthetic creation God ever made.

How can a person be so beautiful and from the fact that his a guy. He is so handsome, so tall and his skin is so white with no freckles or anything at all. It's like creamy white, I wonder if it's soft and smooth to touch. How can be a guy so perfect and his hair were too long for a guy but it's suits him.

Is he gay?

I'm not being judgemental but, yea!

His eyes are blue like the ocean and wow! That lips. Wait? I know I'm gay but his lips are disturbing me. Ugh! Whats that? Why is his ear so long and pointy? Is that a real thing?

I was just about to open my mouth to ask him when I suddenly felt someone's hitting me. I blink and then turn to my side to see my sister yelling at me.

"Wake up you lazy ass. Did you forget that it's the day of our flight? I will really kick that ass hole of yours if we can't make it to our flight. Seriously bro... Get up! " she's shouting like she doesn't care that the neighbors will hear her.

Sometimes, I really wish her to be gone just for a little while so atleast i can have my peaceful moment.

"Yeah, yeah! I'm moving. I already pack my things so you don't have to yell at me. " I reply with a sigh.

She just shout back but I didn't hear her anymore because I immediately went to my bathroom to take a bath and be ready for our flight.

After I finish dressing up. I check my self for the last time in the mirror before descending and went directly to the kitchen to take my breakfast before leaving. I grab a bread and put an egg and cheese so it's like a cheeseburger with egg. Yeah! Obviously. Duh!

I called my sister and she immediately came up beside me and we started to leave. It's 25 minutes ride to the airport with a taxi and 1 hour flight going to our province in Bohol.

My parents are already there with my older brother. My grandma wants us to spend our vacation with her because she really miss us and I'm really glad that she ask my father because I really miss her and her stories.

I remember my vacation there when I was ten. She told me about the enkanto. I'm really curious and want to know about them more. She told me that they live in the big tree behind our ancestral house in bohol. I know I'm too old to believe in stories like that but still, I really like the way my grandma told me about it. It was like I'm in a different world and even if it's only a myth like what they've said. I really feel it's true. It's kinda creepy but I'm curious.

We got to the airport in time and take our flight. We got in bohol faster than our expected time because of the Nice weather.

We saw our parents and my brother with a boy maybe the same age with my older brother. I didn't recognized him at first but when he smile, I suddenly remember the boy before who got me a ride with his bike when my older brother doesn't want me to ride with his. I'm so happy to see him again. He got bigger and his really handsome now, just like my brother. Well, their both handsome and tall. I'm just an average boy not like my older brother who got lot of attention from girls and even gays. Can't blame them. His tall, maybe 6 foot tall while I'm only 5'8. His into lot of sports and his smart. He always on top whatever his doing while me, I'm not saying I'm dumb but I just prefer to hide on my room and just be alone because really, I have my own world. I prefer to watch anime, read books and surf the internet than go outside and mingle.

Engkanto (boyxboy)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora