Always Like LA, LA, LA ~ Jacksgap Fan Fiction

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  • Dedicated to "I still look for your face in the crowd."

"I'maBarbiewannabe?" Calls a slutty, careless blonde girl at my work. Starbucks. Oh my God, she actual fell for those tricks? I just say in a bad Irish accent: SOME FOOLISH JOKE NAME! Usually it embarrasses them, not me. Usually? It always does for me. But if they're embarrassed is up to them. Two guys, who look like they're in about...Uni walk up, chuckling.

"What?" She insists, and I can see her stomping her foot. I come up from behind her and put my right hand on her left shoulder.

"Do you even realize you just called yourself a Barbie wannabe?" I giggle and she removes my hand.

"Don't touch me, whore." She looks disgusted. Me? Whore?

"On WEDNESDAYS we wear pink. You slut." I gesture at her bubble gum pink layering.

"I hate you." She glares at me and walks off.

"Sorry about that." I say, handing them their coffees, printing the receipt.

"Oh, no problem, we enjoyed watching Miss Mean Girls being an idiot." Says one of them with his hair tuffled to the left.

"Oh, well.... Er, bye." I almost fangirl in my head as they leave. I actual fan myself as I run out of breath.

That. Was. Jack. And. Finn. Harries. Holy. Fuck.

Well, you played it off nicely dimwit. Besides you didn't say you were a fan, despite the whole cheeky Instagram stalker thing you got goin' on, and you didn't say your name, and you didn't move your hair so your name template would show. Nice going genius....

I COULDN'T THINK! THAT WAS JACKSGAP! FOR HOLY FUCKIN' SEX GODS' SAKE! I get interrupted to a coworker clearing their throat.

"It's my shift, Hannah. You can go. Are you alright? You were kinda' staring into space...." I snap back into reality at her words. I turn my head in the direction of the clock. Sure enough, I've been daydreaming in my my own fight for ten minutes. Wow.

Time sure does fly when you think it's only by ten seconds, eh?

Let us enjoy this lovely pick of -probably drunk- , cheeky Jack.

Hitting on Sam.



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