Chapter One - Finding Me, X's, Cheeky Jackie

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(A/N: I know the girl in the pic has brown eyes, but let's pretend she has grey eyes, she had the hair so I had to use her. So yeah....)

"Wait, I don't mean to be like a stalker, but did you see two boys leave a few minutes ago?" I try smiling, and she just shakes her head. In that way where she's basically suggesting I'm crazy. Which I might be....

"Um, I just got here two minutes ago.... And yeah, I see two boys leaving all the time." She chuckles and I just stare at my feet.

"Oh, forget it. I'm leaving...bye." I hand her my apron and leave. I go to my car in the back and unlock it. I get in it and practically beat my forehead on the steering wheel. I buckle up and get out of the parking lot, driving back home.

I unlock the apartment door and see the only light is in the kitchen.

"You will not believe the shit I've been through at work today." Megan turns from her movie and smiles. It's dark besides one room, and the TV is practically on full volume, and ice cream.... Mean Girls is on.

"The Gretchen and condom part is on, come sit!" She pats the cushion next to her. I sit down, and sure enough her mum is just now leaving her bedroom. She gets the remote and pauses it. She turns to me, still smiling.

"Okay, so I sort of met the Harries twins today at work." She screams and sets her ice cream bowl on the table in front of us.

"NO WAY!" She picks up the laptop and opens a tab. She types in YouTube and moves her finger around on the cursor pad.

"What're you doing, Megs?" I look over her shoulder to see her just now clicking on the Jacksgap channel.

"Sh." She's still smiling, she heads to videos and clicks on something. I take her bowl of ice cream, and start eating it. "Here you go." She puts the laptop in between us, and I hand her the ice cream. I don't see the title, because the damned video is on full screen. Jack does his intro and Finn enters the room.

"So we played a trick on a blonde girl at Starbucks today, the Barbie Wannabe one." I squeal.

"THAT COULDN'T HAVE BEEN WHAT HAPPENED TODAY, COULD IT?" I look at Megan as she pauses it.

"Well, it has to be!" She plays it and Jack continues.

"And a girl with curly brown hair came up to her." I feel Megan touching my hair, obviously making sure I didn't straighten my hair today. In which, I did not! "Anyway, she told her what the joke was and Blondie called her a whore. So she said the pink on Wednesdays thing on her. Because she was wearing a pink shirt. Also, she called her a slut, and it was hilarious. But we don' know her name.... Only that she has curly brown hair and grey eyes. Like, they pierce through you." I smile, knowing that that is definitely my appearance.

"And she is about a centimeter shorter than me." Says Finn.

"OH MY GOD, THAT'S YOU!" Squeals Megan. We go to comments, and the very top comment is very good, actually.

Good luck finding her, I wish that was me though! c:

The second one says something in which I want to yell at.

I think it's me. I wish I worked at Starbucks. It's me.

I know they're joking. But still! I click on comment, and pull the laptop on my lap. I type furiously.

You're lucky my roomie is a control freak. I think you found me. And the name is Hannah. ;)

Megan pulls the laptop from me and reads it.

"Do you think they'll reply?" She asks. I shrug and pull the laptop from her/. I refresh and scroll down. MY COMMENT IS THE TOP! HOLY SHIT! IT HAS OVER A HUNDRED LIKES! And Jack's replied....

OH. Well...hello Hannah. :)

I squeal and reply.

And your reason for making this video was...for just finding me...? o.O

I refresh my feed and see Jack has replied a long message.

Hm. No.... I'm just going to message you. :)

Haha, note my sarcasm in the long message part. In the meantime.... I like his video and favourite it. I go to my inbox, and sure enough he's replied.

"Damn.... He must be a freak-typer," Megan bursts out laughing as I click it open. I scoot away from her, and turn so the back of the laptop is facing her. I take a deep breath as my heart pounds in my chest.

Actually, no. Er you seemed nice, and funny. Well, Hannah, seems we've "met" each other now. Maybe we should meet each other some time or something..? :) -Jack xxx

I let my fingers fly across the keys.

Of course! I'd love to. But can Megan come? If not, she's bound to go in stalker mode. xD But where? :) xxxxx

Were the x's necessary? I mean he did it. Probably to complete the message. And add to the Jack....

Monroe Park? :) xx

Cheeky Jack. Wink. Wink.

'Course. :) See you when? xx

Two can be cheeky, Jack. Two can be. Wink.

12 tomorrow? x

Well, fine, you ain't gettin' no x's, Jack.

Yep. See you then! :)

That'll teach you to not gimme any x's, Jackie. You'll learn, oh, you'll learn. I'll make sure of it. You will. Ha. Ha.

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