1 ★ - Soleil In Love

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MUSIC: Leave Out All The Rest by linkin park


~★ * ~ * ~ * ☆~

My cousin Sky discreetly passed a small transparent card at the back of my hand. His light blue eyes twinkled.

"You got twenty minutes," he whispered, his eyes scanning the white colored hallway. "Now, don't get caught."

"Don't worry, I won't." I said with an impish grin, sliding the card on the small silver box mounted on the wall.

The room was pitch black. As soon as I stepped in, hundreds of images started swirling around in the center with a low humming sound. I sat in one chair and started swiping my hand from one picture to another.

Every week, for thirty minutes, this is what I usually do. Scanning time strips. My cousin Sky works at this building as one of the night security supervisor. I've been doing this for about a year now and so far, everything's good.

But I only came here for one thing.

And that's too see Luna Cahill.

She was a simple blonde girl who lives in the past, in the year 2013. Ever since I saw her picture that fateful day, I knew I just had to come back and see her. Falling in love wasn't in my vocabulary and finding love through time scanning seems a bit impossible.

I pressed my hand on the picture and Luna's life video archive came to life. Seeing her from when she was a baby up to her teenage years swirled around in circles. The most important milestones of her life were documented and I spent most of my time just watching her grow up, over and over again.

My silver wrist band suddenly beeped and a small hologram appeared. It was Sky.

"Time's up. You need to get out of there, now."

I rolled my eyes. "But I still got five more minutes-"

"Get out of there, now." He said sternly and the hologram dissolved into pixels.

I stared at Luna's picture.

There must be some way I could see her. But how? My wrist band beeped again and that was my cue to exit the room. As soon as I stepped off from the time scanning machine, all lights went out leaving the room back to pitch black.

~★ * ~ * ~ * ☆~

"I need to see her, Sky," I told my cousin the next day as we were walking along the hallway towards our classroom. "I need to see her now or else I'm gonna go crazy."

Sky looked at me like I was some kind of a nut.

"Are you talking about that girl from the past-what's her name again?"

"Luna. Her name's Luna." The double doors opened automatically in front of us with a light swish. We plopped down on our seats and waited for our teacher to come in.

I pressed on a small black button on my arm chair and a holographic screen appeared like a virtual notebook. I started drawing Luna's face using my finger.

"Who's that?" My sister Agua peered through my shoulder. "She's beautiful."

"That's Soleil's girlfriend." Sky announced with a smirk.

She smiled as she sat next to me, excitement clearly written all over her. "Oh, cool. Where did you meet her?"

I sighed heavily. "Well, for starters, she doesn't live here. She lives far away."

Agua cocked her head to the side. "Okay? So if she lives far away, then what dimension is she from?"

Sky chuckled next to me. "She lives in the past."

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