2 - Dreams

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❤️ Soleil

The past few weeks went by like a blur and rigorous training were given to the selected people. Everyone had to pass every test, fair and square. So far, the three of us were still in. I couldn't afford to fail a single test since it was my only way to meet Luna.

The last few days consisted of us being hooked up in wire electrodes where they measure our physiological activity. Heart, respiration, blood pressure, oxygen levels. Everything. The whole body was needed to be tested since we were about to travel thousands of years back to planet Earth. We may look like regular human beings but we're not like them at all. Our DNA was reconfigured to adapt to the planet we live in.

Planet Earth, however, was different.

On our last day, we were all gathered at the lab strapped up on a simulation machine where we can experience what time travel actually feels like.

Unfortunately, things can go wrong unexpectedly. Machineries act up and pilots fail most of the time, eventhough they've been trained for long periods of time.

The first set of Sendorian time travelers were about a hundred. Only twenty came back alive. It's quite scary if you think about it, but It was a risk I was willing to take.

"Are you excited?" Sky hopped out of his chair as soon as he was released from it. The lady in front of me tapped my arm as she injected a syringe into my arm. Clear gel like liquid was extracted within seconds.

"Mmhm, you bet I am," I murmured, rubbing the spot where my blood was drawn. She immediately placed the tubes inside a container and carried it off to a nearby freezer.

"You're not scared?"

"I'm assuming you are?" I shot back in a teasing tone as I hopped off the table. Sky shook his head in an attempt to brush off my stupid joke. "Look, I'm sorry, it's just... You're too serious, okay. Lighten up."

"I'm not scared," he said defensively. "Just worried, that's all."

"Worried?" I snorted."Why on earth are you worried? You're being a chicken, Sky."

"Look, didn't you hear what the Commander had just said at orientation?" He whispered, staring through the elevator glass. Nothing but shiny metal skyscrapers everywhere. I don't understand why Sky was so worried about our mission. This is what we wanted since the day we learned how to talk.

To become a time traveler someday.

This was obviously the best opportunity that was given to us.

"C'mon, Sky, you're being--"

"I'm not crazy, Soleil," he snapped, grabbing a hold of my arm. I wiggled free from his tight grasp, shooting him a puzzled look. "Sorry, it's just... I'm worried. What if we don't get the chance to get back?"

To be honest, I'm just as scared as he is. But like I said, it was a risk I was willing to take.

As we stepped out, a throng of Sendorian time travelers filed through the elevator. We passed by a huge screen where advertisements were being shown, including the batch of time travelers that were about to be shipped out. My face suddenly came on the screen, wearing a full white body suit.

"There you are!" Sky pointed up at the screen. It zoomed out, showing My whole body rotating, my vital stats started typing on the left side of the screen. I looked around and quickly noticed how everyone's attention were glued to the announcement being shown.

Time traveling had always been a big deal. It's considered to be the most dangerous mission known to man. This is the reason why they only select the very best.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2014 ⏰

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