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A/N: apparently i make a vampire diaries reference in this chapter? lol. at least i'm assuming i did because people keep commenting "Damon" 😂 I've never watched the vampire diaries, so please tell me what the reference is if you know lmao

Eleanor Martin's POV

It is around midnight when I leave my house and lock the door, the sound of my car engine shattering the cover of silence that had settled over my neighborhood. I take off, following the GPS's instructions and following the map on the screen towards the airport, which is about 40 minutes away.

Halfway there, I am driving down a backroad with no traffic whatsoever. I blink sleepily, and when I look up, I see someone standing in the middle of the road maybe 100 yards from me. I slam on my breaks, their silhouette not moving at all under the harsh beams of my headlights. I skid to a stop about 30 feet from them, panting as my heart pounds from the fright.

I quickly roll down my window; completely livid because of this person's sheer stupidity. "What are you doing standing in the middle of the road? Someone could hit you!" When the male figure remains silent, I grow more angry and call out to him again. "What is the matter with you? Are you deaf or something?"

The man collapses, and my anger dissipates as I get out of my car and run to assist him. I carefully roll him into his back, the moonlight shining down and gleaming off of his pale skin. He has buzzed dark blonde hair and his eyes are closed, making me think that he is unconscious. I look to his chest, looking to see if it was rising and falling with breath. When I see that it is not, I reach up to his neck to feel for his pulse.

His hand flies up, catching my wrist in his fist and squeezing hard enough that I feel something snap. I cry out in pain, trying to jerk away from his vice-like grip. I grunt from the effort; adrenaline rushing through my veins. His eyes snap open, revealing dark red irises that make my blood run cold.


The rogue vampire smiles to himself with Eleanor's blood glistening on his lips and teeth as he stands up, leaving her unconscious on the ground. He darts to her car, the door still hanging open. He sees a plane ticked printed off in the passenger seat along with a GPS. He sees the destination on the ticket reads Tucson and he goes through the GPS, finding the home address in Tucson as well.

"Looks like I'm going to Arizona." He says to himself, running to the airport and leaving everything else behind.

Eleanor's reaction to him had made him determined to make her life a living hell. And hell is what he would make it.


Carlisle Cullen's POV

We all stand around as Alice snaps out of her vision with a gasp.

"What did you see?" Bella asks, sending Renesmee to go play with Jacob in the other room. "Was it the rogue again?"

"Yes, but this time there was somebody else." Alice blinks rapidly, trying to remember every detail of the vision.

"Another vampire?" I ask, wanting to go guard Eleanor's house even though I'm sure no harm will come to her there.

"No, it was a human." Edward states, also having looked in on Alice's vision.

"Do you recognize where it was at?" Emmett asks. "We could go check it out and see if we can catch him before he kills any more locals in he forest."

"It looks like the Old Mills Road to me," Alice nods, looking up at Edward. "Edward?"

"Yeah that's what I was thinking too," he confirms, standing up and running towards the door with the rest of us on his heels. "Jacob, keep an eye on Renesmee!"

We race through the woods, taking the fastest way to the Old Mills Road. We arrive within 10 minutes, seeing the form of a car in the middle of the road; the driver's door open and the headlights shining brightly. A crumpled, bloody body lies in the road, and I sprint over, smelling Eleanor's scent. I reach her side in an instant, cradling her body in my arms and listening for a heartbeat.

It is labored and slowing down by the second, bite marks all over her neck and arms. I close my eyes, knowing that there is no way for me to suck the venom out without her loosing too much blood. Alice takes Jasper back into the woods, the smell of my mate's blood overwhelming him.

"It looks like she was skipping town," Emmett says, and I look back to see him pointing at the back seat of her car, which has two large suitcases in it.

"She didn't want this," I sob, holding her closer to me as the venom wells up in my eyes but refuses to fall like human tears would. "She didn't want this."

"Poor girl." Rosalie says, sympathizing for Eleanor, who wanted nothing but to leave this lifestyle behind.

"It's too late, Carlisle," Edward says, placing a hand on my shoulder to comfort me. "We should get her back to the house before someone else comes along. I'll drive her car back to her place and meet you guys back home."

I nod, letting him dig into my mind to find where her house was before taking Eleanor into my arms and sprinting towards home, completely devastated that this poor woman was forced into a world that she so desperately wanted to escape from.

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