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I was confused

“the zelta princese? What’s that?” we walked into the office as his dad came up behind us

“the zelta princese was a legend that was told to us when we were younger. It was said that a pure white wolf with a black crown on her head would be born and with her strength and power she would help us thrive and take back what is rightfully ours. She would save the shifter universe and with the help of her mate could be indestructible” I started crying when troy hugged me

“dad she was rejected by her mate earlier today” immediately I was engulfed in a huge hug by his dad “its alright dear. He’s missing out on a beautiful and lovely girl, so its his lose not yours” I smiled and hugged him back

“thank you guys. Iv never felt wanted in my whole life until I came here”

Its been 4 years since I left my old pack, the glazer pack, and I was happily excepted into the rosebud pack. I have changed a lot now im 17, tall, skinny and a complete badass. I work on cars and I drive a motorcycle and im the best fighter ever. I was working under the hood of troy’s car when his dad, amos, came in

“eva we need to talk” I was scared I hit my head on the hood. I grabbed the back of my head rubbing it

“damn that shit hurt. Thanks a lot dad for scaring the shit out of me” he laughed but checked my head

“sorry dear but your fine now we need to go inside and talk” I followed him into his office where everybody else was

“what’s up?” everybody looked kind of scared

“well eva you know how we are about to be attacked from the diamond pack?” I thought for a moment

“yea I remember something like that” I could tell Amos was uncomfortable

“what are you guys not telling me?” ricky and billy yelled at the same time

“WE HAVE TO STAY WITH THE GLAZER PACK UNTIL ITS DEALED WITH” troy and shawn slapped them both in the head

“way to be subtle guys” I was shocked I didn’t know what to say or feel.

“eva say something please” I glared at jake

“what am I suppose to say? Im so happy that I have to go back to the people who treated me like shit, because that’s not what im going to say” troy sat in front of me

“will you be ok?” I gave him a slight smile

“yes I’ll be fine. How are their fighting?” he laughed

“they suck which is where you come in they agreed to let you teach them because they know we’re the best fighters around” I smiled at him

“you better hope they listen then” he laughed

“I’ll be sure to tell alpha Luke that” I was confused

“what do you mean alpha Luke? My brother Sam was suppose to be alpha not Luke” he looked confused until Amos cut in

“Sam was alpha but he gave up the position to Luke and now Sam is the beta” I growled

“I swear if he threatened my brother over alpha I’ll kill him” they all looked scared until little Amy came in

“hi eva why are you mad?” I calmed down and smiled at her

“im not mad anymore what do you want to do today?” she thought for a moment

“will you teach me how to fix cars?” I smiled even wider

“anything for my favorite little girl” Amy is 5 years old and she is the youngest in the pack. She reminds me of myself when I was her age, people like to pick on her which is where us older ones come in. nobody messes with her unless they want to mess with me. Her parents died from a rouge attack so I took over her mother role and troy took over her father role the other guys are like her older brothers. Amy and I spent the rest of the day in the garage fixing troy’s stupid car. Around 6pm we finally finished so we walked into the kitchen where the guys were

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