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I turned back to tom who had a smirk

“im still not going no matter what you say” he narrowed his eyes at me

“you will do as I say got it?” I glared back at him

“no I do as I say or as zelta says not you, not troy, not luke just me and zelta” everybody looked surprised that I was talking back to an elder

“eva you are on thin ice right now” I growled at him

“tom I am so close to loosing it right now. I don’t give a shit if im on thin ice or sinking IM.NOT.GOING.WITH.YOU” he gulped and backed up with his hands up

“fine you don’t have to go but that just means im staying” I scoffed at him

“as if you’ll be gone by tonight when im done talking to elder pam” he gulped and his eyes got huge

“now why would you go and do that? Im just trying to protect you” I stopped glaring at him and sighed

“I don’t need your protection, I don’t need anybodies protection. Everybody knows that I can handle myself. Think about it I saved myself last time along with amy and that other chick, so please save us all the trouble and GO!” he sighed in defeat

“fine but im coming back every day to check on you” I rolled my eyes at him

“what ever you say tom” sarcasm was dripping from every word he playfully narrowed his eyes at me

“is that sarcasm I detect there eva?” I mocked hurt “of course not tom” frank scoffed

“we all know that was sarcasm no need to hide it” I rolled my eyes at him and me and tom said at the same time

“thank you captain obvious” we all started laughing

“well lets get going before it gets to late because I still need to get amy to bed” with that me, tom, amos, and amy left. We arrived at the wolf housings where the elders and royals stay and the moment I walked in the door I was engulfed In a huge hug

“o my child, I thought I was gunna lose you” I smiled and hugged her back

“no need to worry pam, im fine but I do need to feed amy and get her to bed” she released me and still had a huge smile on her face

“of course sugar I just got done making some fry bread” amy ran in the kitchen at the mention of fry bread as we laughed and followed her in. after eating I went upstairs putting amy to bed then I walked into the office where the elders where. I sat on the couch and they all looked at me disappointingly until elder pam spoke

“Evelyn we are not very happy at your actions lately” I sighed and looked at the ground

“I understand that but something’s just cant be controlled coming from me” elder Derek sat next to me and shook his head

“yes we know that but you could have handled the situation with meg differently and you already know that you need to accept luke so we all are safe” with that I snapped and stood up glaring at them all

“im not accepting him ever. What he did to me is unforgivable and the prophecy says that me and my mate will conquer all but it didn’t say my true mate, now did it?” by the time I was done with my tirade, the winds were picking up and things were flying around in the office. I took a deep breath and tried to calm down as amos put his hand on my shoulder

“she is completely right about the prophecy and I agree with her about not accepting him and until you can find something saying it has to be her true mate she’ll do what she wants with that situation” tom glared at us

“do you understand that if you don’t we’ll all end up dead?” I glared back at him and my eyes were starting to glow a deep red

“I do understand that but the real question is do you understand that if I accept him I will gladly kill myself and you’ll deal with luke having all the power and no way in hell will he help you guys” I was trying to calm myself down but it just was not working.

“you really need to get over yourself eva” my head, along with everybody elses, snapped over to elder fin

“what yourself fin” he glared back at me

“what are you gunna do?” zelta then took control and fin fell to the ground screaming from the pain

“she warned you fin and I warned you last month, you really need to learn to watch yourself but unlucky for you, you wont be able to learn anything else now will you?” I was getting scared of what zelta had in mind

‘zelta leave him alone’ she scoffed at me

‘im sorry eva but I cant he was warned by you and me, that’s two warnings and he did it again, so now he’s going to pay’ I was getting even more scared because fin was turning blue

‘zelta please just give me control, please’ but she cut off contact with her and all I could do was watch as fin’s life slowly slipped away. 5 minutes later she gave back control and I collapsed on the ground passing out but the last thing that ran through my mind was…

im a murderer


alright sorry to my amazing readers that this chapter is sorta short but i havent really been up to writing it because stupid people are saying i copied it from another stroy but i didnt ok ...... yes i did get the idea from the story 'mate or not your still a jerk' but if you read both of the stories mine has a completely different story line so i would really appreciate it if you would stop with all the negative s**t ............... and thank you to all of my dedicated readers :)

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