Chapter 7 - For Someone You Don't Know

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Chapter 7
For Someone You Don’t Know

A/N - Thank you guys so much for the support this has gotten so far. You're all amazing & I'm so grateful :) Also, a huge thank you to I_hav_a_kewl_name for the beautiful banner off to the side! 

My ears were shot from the sound of the close range fire. I was afraid to open my eyes, still confused as to why I heard the shot but couldn’t feel anything. Had he maybe hit a spot that had instantly paralyzed me? Did he miss and accidentally hit the wall right behind my head? I was pretty sure with a securely aimed shot like that I’d be dead upon impact.

My body was still violently shaking, the fear running cold in my veins. I was breaking out in a nervous sweat, but I couldn’t stop shivering like I was suddenly in the southern part of Antarctica. My fingers had held a vice grip onto the legs of my tights, my nails digging holes into the seams. My heart was beating a mile a minute, thrashing against its tight confinements and reminding me that I was still…somehow alive.

Tears were drenching every inch of my face, all over my cheeks and over my lips and chin. Liquid was running down my neck and devouring my clothes beneath it. I wanted to stop shaking; I wanted to be able to breathe again. I needed to see what happened. If I didn’t open my eyes and Clay had missed, I would miss my chance to escape as he reveled in the shock of missing my face much to his dismay. He had gotten Carter on the first shot, so why not me?

Was there a God watching over me in that moment? Had some rapid force of nature moved Clay’s arm to aim the shot behind my head instead of in the middle of it?

Unsteadily, with my body still jostling and my eyes seemingly glued shut; I pried them open with force and took deep, uneven breaths. People were still screaming and crying, most sobbing and trying to make a run for it while Clay’s back was turned to them. They all seemed so far away now, what with my lack of hearing and my mind zoned into this one moment. They were so close yet so far.

Looking up at Clay’s shocked expression, his face was whiter than normal and now his limbs were unsteady. He was lowering his gun, the deadly metal dropping to the floor with a large clink against the linoleum tiles beneath his feet.

“What the hell! You weren’t supposed to…You weren’t supposed to do that!” he shouted, his voice uneven and breathy.

I noticed he wasn’t even looking in my direction anymore. Now with the weapon out of his hand and the wild, insane streak in his eyes long gone, he was staring down at the floor in front of me. I followed his gaze, gasping and unlocking the door to another round of sobs as I saw who was lying in front of me. They were lying on my shoe, but I hadn’t even noticed the heavy weight until I fully got a look at them.

The person lying on the floor in front of me was bleeding and panting heavily, a hand over the front part of their shoulder, Clay just missing a kill shot. As my eyes maneuvered all the way down their body, I noticed another hole in their leg, more bright red blood seeping through their pants and onto the floor. Some of it was seeping through my tights and covering the ankle of my leg, but I couldn’t move. I couldn’t breathe.

Clay put both hands to his head, gripping tightly to his hair. “This wasn’t supposed to happen like this! Why did you do that?” he kept shouting, growling and screaming like he couldn’t stop the thoughts running laps in his mind.

I couldn’t take my eyes off the person in front of me, couldn’t move or do a thing to help. What could I have done? I had nothing to stop the bleeding, maybe just a hand for the pressure. But there were two holes, two major wounds that were sucking the life right out of one of the students in this school that didn’t deserve it at all.

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