ii. Vancouver

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ii. Vancouver

“Are you telling another story today?”

“That depends, are you sure you’re not going to fall asleep on me again?”

Kira shot Xander a glare as he wiggled his eyebrows in a joking matter.

“You dork, it’s not my fault you’re so comfy. Besides, you fell asleep afterwards too, so that makes two of us.” Kira replied, rolling her eyes at her best friend.

“You think I’m comfy,” Xander drawled, a grin spreading over his features. Kira groaned, feigning annoyance as she fought back a smile. She loved when Xander was like this; playful and joking with nothing but smiles. She thought he had a nice smile. It was one of her favorite features of his.

“God, do you ever shut up?” Kira laughed as he continued to gloat over how comfortable his chest is.

Xander scoffed, “Not after you boosted my ego like that.”

Kira shook her head in disbelief, “Noted.”

Xander pouted as he leaned in closer to her face. Their noses bumped lightly and Kira willed herself to keep a straight face. She watched with discreet wide eyes as Xander’s prettily colored orbs crossed over, his tongue slipping out from between his lips rather unattractively as an animalistic noise resounded from between his lips, causing Kira to raise her eyebrows in amusement. Xander pulled her to him roughly, wrapping his arms around her neck playfully as he licked her cheek.

Kira let out a screech before scrambling out from beneath his grip, resulting in her body sprawled across the carpeted living room floor after she tripped over his abnormally big feet.

“Your face tastes funny,” Xander announced sourly, smacking his lips together as his nose scrunched up in distaste.

“You idiot,” Kira groaned. “That’s called moisturizer.”

Xander peered down at her, confusion taking over his features. “How’d you get down on the floor?”

Kira sat up and pointed at his socked feet accusingly, “Your stupid big feet tripped me.”

He raised his eyebrows, a smug expression smothering itself across his face. “You know what they say about guys with big feet. They –”

“Please don’t finish that sentence,” Kira quickly intervened.

“Oh, come on, Kira. You know it’s true.” Xander teased, his voice light with playfulness; the sound Kira adored.

“No,” Kira deadpanned.

“But –”


“If you just gave me a chance,”

“Absolutely not,” Kira nearly screamed in response, horrified by her best friend’s antics. Xander began chuckling, shaking his head at her before his right hand clutched his stomach and his laughs came out in contagious sporadic bursts, resulting in Kira’s laugh mingling melodically with his. The two were sprawled across their spots in mere moments, breathing heavily with large bright smiles across their faces.

Their laughter died down and they smiled at each other widely, taking in each other’s mussed appearances. Xander propped himself upright on the sofa, making enough space for Kira to join him so he could hold her close to him just as he had done the day prior. He beckoned for his best friend to join him and she quickly obliged, weirdly aching for his comforting touch and the heat from his arms seeping into her skin.

Kira joined Xander on the sofa, crawling over his lanky legs and making her way beside him, sandwiching herself between the side of his body and the faded lumpy cushions of the sofa. Xander’s arms quickly wounded around her waist like the strands of a vine and she immediately fell under his touch, relaxing and sinking deeply into his presence.  

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