chapter eleven; behind eyes

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BB-8 rolled up to Mara, hitting his head softly against her leg. When at first she didn't acknowledge him, the droid gave a constant beeping of her name, which became quite annoying.

Mara Mara Mara Mara-

"What is it?" She snapped, moving so the ball would stop hitting her.

Han and Finn had gone to a storage locker to in the back of the ship to procure more weapons if the First Order showed up. Rey was already outside, probably loving grass for all it's worth. Mara was looking for her brown leather satchel, which she had set down but now couldn't find.

BB-8 rolled back a few feet, tilting back his head to fully see Mara before speaking again.

I know a secret about Finn

"And you're just telling me now?" She pressed, somewhat annoyed. Mara finally found her bag, grabbing it and slinging it around her shoulder. She turned back to BB-8, crossing her arms.

"Well, what is it?"

The droid gave a moment a silence before bleeping the answer, much in a way a child would tattletale, He's not with the Resistance like he says he is.

Sure, at first she was surprised and taken back. Faint hints of the familiar feeling a betrayal wrenched in her gut, but she was to accustom to the action. In fact, she would be more astonished if Finn was really who he claimed. Everyone in the galaxy seemed all to ready to stab someone else's back or lie to easily.

That wasn't the only reason why Mara suspected Finn wasn't with the Resistance. He didn't seem the type. He held himself as if he wasn't sure of himself, the very way he walked seemed to similar to that of someone who was always looked down upon. Out of the few Resistance members she had met, Mara always noted the flair of assurance they held. They always believed they were a part of something much bigger.

Finn also didn't like booze, and Mara never trusted a man who didn't drink alcohol.

So now the question was of his intent. Why was he even here? Did he want he map for himself? How had he gotten himself into the situation? Was he working for someone? Did he even know Dameron? Did he actually kill Poe? Why was he even lying in the first place? Was his name even Finn?

People only lied if they had something to hide. Mara decided she wanted to find out whatever the hell he was trying to keep a secret.

"When did you learn this?" Mara asked BB-8, striding over to the weapon's area of the ship with the droid right on her heels.

Right before Han Solo boarded the ship

She glanced down at the astromech, sighing as she looked at him, "And you didn't tell me earlier? Why now?"

We haven't exactly had a break between people trying to kill us and other people trying to kill us.

Mara slightly nodded, peeking around a corner while looking for the liar in question, "True. Now you go on and find Rey. I'll take care of Finn."

BB-8 obliged, rolling away towards the door, passing Han as he went through the door. Mara caught a quick glimpse of Rey, who was marveling at the green planet for the first time. The blonde smiled to herself, glad for her friend who was discovering life outside of sand. Mara turned away from the door just in time to see Finn walking down the hall.

She put on a pretty smile, using a more friendly tone, "Hey Finn, may I talk with you for a sec?"

At first the young man was a little caught off guard, seeing a normally violent Mara more sociable. Finn shrugged, clearing his throat before speaking, "Uh, sure."

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