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It really hurts to see my one ex date the other ex. the two people I can't get over. The two people who I love so fucking much. Dating. Each. Other. I'm glad that they might be happy together. Fuck this my life is over. I don't even know what to do anymore I'm ctyoimng I'm laughing I'm a mess. I remember Jessica Marie Johnson so well. I remember Jes. Ann Macias so well to. BUT THEY HAD TO GO AND START DATING ITS OVER GUYS THEY WILL DESTROY US ALL. And when Jessica said "I'm scared" I had to fight the urge to tell her about how she wasn't scared to hurt me and leave. How she wasn't afraid to attempt suicide and send photos of her slit throat. About how she wasn't afraid to leave. Jessica flipping left almost five months ago. She left with no words to me but "bye" AND NOW JESSE she's a whole different story... I love her almost less than I loved Jessica.. She was so perfect. Everything about her was perfect. I cared about her. Little does she know the reason I fell apart was because of her new girlfriend who dated me. Why do i even try to talk to jesse? All i do is mess up. GOD WHY DOES THIS SHIT HAPPEN TO ME?! IM SO BROKEN I HAVE NO MOTIVATION TO DO ANYTHING BUT CRY.

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