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Okay guys I don't want to this but here I go......

I'm such a mistake I do nothing right and I swear every breath it take it gets worse I cut thinking it will be better but it doesn't nothing is ever going to be OK I havent gotten any sleep for three months i am so tired of trying to make people like me because no one wants the outcast that should have been an abortion. The kids at school were right, I'm a freak that should kill myself. Why do I even try to be okay it's getting worse I'm trapped in this hell. I just want to disappear. I am such a disappointment. I lie away at night wishing it would be better I wish the memories would go away I wish everything would get better and that I would be happy. But that's never going to happen because I don't deserve to breathe oxygen.i say I'm okay but in reality I'm really not. I haven't been okay for a year. One terrible year. And I know I have to keep this all to myself because otherwise you will think something is wrong with me and run away so I fake a smile. But secretly, inside I know that if I die everyone will be happy and forget about me

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