Part 1

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Inside the motel, in the Winchester's bathroom, you leant over the sink and splashed water on to your face, scraping at the dried blotches of blood with your dirty but well kept fingernails, until all the crimson was removed from your face; red specs of crusty bloody carried into the drain by the slightly pink water dripping from your face. You grabbed one of the towels hanging limply off the radiator and patted your face dry. Lifting your head back up to the mirror, you inspected the fresh scar beneath your cheek bone. Sam had neatly stitched it up, while Castiel smothered the pain with his grace. Your stomach began to churn. Recently it had been smooth sailing, mainly salting and burning the remains of a few restless spirits, but today the four of you invaded a vampire nest, and you were thrown into a bloody killing spree. You hated that side of you, the shell that you tried to keep locked up, but it would always spring forward when your family was in danger. At some point during the turmoil, you brushed passed your reflection, but it wasn't you. All you could see was rage flaring in the eyes of a blood soaked warrior.
"You ok kid?" inquired a rough voice behind you. "Yeah," you said turning around to face Dean. Leaning against the door with his toned arms folded across his chest, he snorted. "No, you're not. Don't lie," he said as you began making your way out of the bathroom. "I'm fine, just drop it," and you thought he would, but as you stepped off the cold tiles and onto wooden floorboards, he grabbed your arm. You looked back up at him, he shot you a concerned yet intimidating look that made your thoughts want to spill. But you had enough of being the weak, sensitive member of the group. You chuckled lightly and wriggled your arm free. "It's just...the blood is starting to get really annoying to wash out," you smiled weakly and walked towards the bed were Cas and Sam sat.

Dean dropped his inquiries and took a chair from the table, placed it in front of the occupied bed and swiftly spun it around so that the back faced the the bed. He proceeded to sit down with his legs on either side of the backrest and placed his chiseled chin to rest upon it. Meanwhile you had climbed onto the bed and sat with your legs crossed behind Sam and Cas, who were inspecting the blinding screen of Sam's laptop, sharing a few mumbles between themselves. You pushed your face between the close shoulders of the younger Winchester and the angel and peered into the screen. "Argh, too bright," you hissed comically and shut the laptop off. Sam looked at you squished between his and Cas' shoulder. "We were researching recent demon omens, why-" but you interrupted him abruptly. "Exactly! Guys we just freaking took out like 50 vampires, we should be celebrating not looking for another hunt, not this soon at least." "12, actually," Castiel added. "Yes thank you Cassie. How about we go out for a beer?" You suggested hopefully. Dean sniggered approvingly. Sam withdrew his arm and wrapped it around your neck. With his other hand, he rubbed your head with his knuckles so that your hair was a mess. "It's 3.46," he stated eyeing the clock on the wall,"it's about time you go to bed". "Sammy, my dear boy, may I remind you that I am 3 months older than you, and I say it's 3.46, it's about time we get drunk," you remarked. Sam remained quiet, and for a second you thought you triumphed in break him, but instead he leaned back onto your lap, reached over his head and grabbed your waist tightly with his arms, with a quick motion he flipped you over in front of him so that you lay upside down on him. Your face lay just above his knees and he quickly got up, his bare feet planted firmly on the ground, his grip on your waist not wavering in strength as you hung upside down, clutching his legs desperately. "Don't you freaking drop me or I swear, Sammy!" you screamed as he quickly spun around. Your messy hair whipped around frantically. Dean began to chuckle, and his warm laugh intensified as curses escaped your lips. Castiel watched intently and his lips perked into a grin as you started punching Sam's legs. "Cas! Help me damn it, I feel like I'm gonna throw up." Concern etched itself into his features. "I believe that is enough, Sam, you are causing her harm," Sam immediately stopped and carefully spun you upright and placed you on the stable ground. You wobbled cautiously and slowly placed a hand on the wall. You forced a powerful cough and spluttered. Immediately two hands were placed on your back, Dean and Sam's. "I'm so sorry (y/n) , please be OK, Cas heal her," Sam winced. "Step away," Cas replied. As they did so you swiftly turned around, charging rapidly at Sam and headbutting him in the stomach. He sprawled out onto the bed, blinking in shock. You pounced onto Sam, and sat on his chest. "I am the undisputed champion!" you bellowed. Castiel erupted into a hysterical laughter, and after assessing what had happened both brothers joined Cas' amusement. Composing himself Dean asked Cas, "I take it you were in on her plan?", "she winked at me when asking for help, and I understood that she was simply playing a trick," he replied, rather proud he had picked up on your connotations. "Thanks," you giggled towards him, and he blushed under your gaze. "Alright, you win, let's go out for a beer," Sam spoke, lifting you off his chest and onto the bed. You promptly got up and headed towards the door."No sorry little boy, but it's....." you peered at the time, "3.54, it's time to go to bed," and you waved goodbye, closing the door behind you. You felt confused glares watch you as you exited. "You owe us a drink," Dean called after you.

You walked down the corridor, and two doors later you were at your room, 12. You pushed the key in hastily, despite previously not being sleepy, now you could barely stand. You flicked on the lights once you entered the room and made your way to the bathroom. Not being able to force yourself into a shower you washed your face and neck at the sink, brushed your teeth and changed into one of Dean's old shirts but stayed in your underwear. It was a warm night, but you knew better than to open the window and invite any prowling creatures into your room. A bold knock on the door made you jump, and you ran to answer it. You swung the door open to reveal Castiel clutching your worn out, leather weapons bag. "You forgot this," he explained. "Cheers Cassie," you smiled, accepting the bag he held up to you. "You can come in, if you want," you added, setting the door ajar. "I don't mean to intrude," he replied. "Oh please, Sam and Dean intrude all the time, it's actually weird seeing someone standing at door for once," you chimed. You grabbed his arm, you could feel his muscular arms beneath his trench coat, and dragged him into the room and sat him down on the bed. You ran back to quickly close the door and fetch something from your gym bag. You handed him a neatly wrapped light pink package, decorated with a black bow and ribbon. "It's very pretty, what do I do with it?"he quizzed, "You open it, duuh!" you giggled, lightly punching his arm, "go on," you added impatiently, fidgeting and jumping as you watched his slender fingers elegantly untangle the complexly knotted ribbon, and remove the pastel wrapping paper. A small black box lay in his palm. He lifted the lid and inside on a bed of velvet lay a pair of silver wings. They were small, but exquisitely detailed, each feather etched delicately into the metal. "Well?" you quizzed, but with no response you began to lose confidence. "Oh, God. You don't want that, I'm so stupid. I just thought that with valentine's day being today and I'll take it off you," your hand reached out to collect the pin, but Castiel's fingers gripped around it protectively. "I don't know what to say, but plainly put, I adore it, thank you (y/n)," an adorable smile resurfaced on his face. "I'm happy you like it," you smiled back. He pinned it to the outter fold of his trench coat. Dismay grew across his face. "You alright?", "no, I have such an elegant pin given to me, and yet I have nothing in return", "that's alright I onl-", he placed a finger on your lip to hush you, "I'll be back". With a heavenly flutter of wings he disappeared. "I only want to be with you," you continued sadly. "Urgh, angels," you breathed, utterly worn out and you fell back onto your bed. The warm comfortable air enveloped you and you promptly fell asleep.

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