Chapter 2

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"Elliot, it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Don't tell me you're actually thinking of turning this offer down because of your wife. I don't see the problem in leaving her for a short amount of time. She's still your wife, even if you go."

"I'm not so sure about that, sir..."

"Elliot, you are legitimately crazy if you refuse this. You're going to get the opportunity to visit hospitals all around the country, working with a variety of patients. And I haven't even discussed the advanced payment with you yet. You're making a mistake if you say no."

"Alright!" he gives in. "I have to talk with my wife first, though."

"You'll have to let me know by tonight. They don't want an employee who isn't committed to the cause. You should be thankful that you're the one they went to at first. It baffles me that you even have to think about this."

Elliot sighs. He just isn't sure if he's okay with leaving Alison behind alone, especially when she'll probably invite Emily to hang out all the time. And he won't be there to watch what happens. He won't be able to do anything about it if he starts to lose his wife.

But he goes through with it. He knows he can't give up his career for this. It pains him to leave Alison behind, but he knows it is what's best for his career.

He was right about the fact that Alison would want to spend more time with Emily.

"Thanks for coming over," she smiles brightly at the dark-haired girl. "Elliot is going to be gone for a while on a business trip. I need some company."

Emily raises her eyebrows. She doesn't know if it's the best idea. Being alone with her is already hard whenever Elliot is around, so she's not sure how it's going to be when she's alone with Alison. Her sense of self-control may be a little off.

"Of course. I'm always here for you, Ali," Emily says, forcing herself to smile.

"We can go up to my bedroom," Alison informs her.

Emily furrows her eyebrows and follows the blonde upstairs. She's a bit hesitant, as she hasn't been in Alison's new bedroom— AKA the one she shares with Elliot, ever since she moved into his house.

The room is nice. It's well-decorated, which she assumes is via Alison's styling. She smiles to herself as she runs her hand against the Paris-themed painting that's hung up on the wall. Her eyes drop down to the nightstand, where a photograph of them from high school is framed. Her heart warms. Rather than a photo with her own husband, she chose a photo with Emily.

"I can still remember this day," Emily says, picking up the photo frame from the nightstand. She runs her thumb against the frame. "We were so young and crazy. It scares me that I'm so different from then."

"You're not that different. Just stronger," Alison smiles. "I'm sorry about the photo, I didn't mean to make us go all nostalgic. I just really like it. I know I'm probably a lot different than I was then, for sure, but I like a little reminder of my past. I don't want to forget where I'm coming from."

"Yeah, there's a lot I regret about those times, but I never want to let go. I found my best friends through it all," Emily smiles back, setting the photo down on the nightstand again.

Alison jumps onto the bed, settling her head back down on the pillow.

"Lay down with me," Alison tells her.

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