Arranged marriage to Mr Billionaire Chapter 1

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Arranged marriage to Mr Billionaire

 Covers designed by YouActAsIfYouCare

Before you start reading this and complaining about the grammar and spelling you need to know I am dyslexic so the grammar and spelling is practically not there. So if that annoys you and prevents you from reading then all I am saying is this story isn’t for you. I am sorry but I tried my best to get it right.

This has now been edited by Desdemonia432 Thank you so much for doing this for me xxx

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Chapter 1

“Caramel is that you honey? Can you come into the kitchen; Katherine and I have some stuff to discuss.” Susan called from the kitchen as soon as I stepped through the door.

“Yeah, be there in a minute.”

I dropped my bag under the staircase and walked through the living room and went into the kitchen where Susan and Katherine, the orphanage workers were sat on a little table under the French windows, sun gleaming in through the windows making the kitchen glow. It was a beautiful day.

“Where are all the kids?” I asked. It was too quite in the orphanage - it’s always full of life little children running around everywhere.

“Field trip with Mathew,” Susan laughed.

“I don’t think it was sensible sending 25 children with him and Chris...” Katherine frowned.

“Oh, is Chris back?” I was so excited, uni was getting really boring without him.

“Your just as excited as the kids! Yeah he got back at about 10-ish, he was going to run to uni to see you, but Mathew needed him and we had to stay to talk to you.” Susan said all traces of laughter had left her face - shit, what have I done now?

“I know that face, stop looking guilty you’ve done nothing, it’s us this time. Come and sit down,” Katherine said patting the chair next to her.

“Okay what’s going on? Omg, they're not shutting you down are they, because of the money problems? How can they - you’re looking for donators! It’s only been 3 months, the dead line isn’t until another two weeks, we’ll find someone - it’s only a matter of time!” I was speaking so fast. I was worried - this is a home to 25 orphans. I’ll be able to find accommodation in my uni, get another job that would be able to pay for my rent, but the other children they would be split apart. Susan and Katherine are like the children’s mothers - we're all a big family. How can they do this?

“Calm down, we found a donator, that’s what we have to talk to you about,” Susan said, guilt plastered on her face. Shit, there are conditions from the donator but at least we had one, thank god.

I plopped into the chair, calmer - we had the money to stay here, the kids are going be really happy.

“But what’s the condition? The donator wants us to do something in return? Listen, I can see the guilt Susan, it’s ok. I can do my uni work but this home is more important to me - I will do whatever it takes to keep it open.”

“That’s the problem Caramel... What the donator wants is something I can’t give him, or I would have. It’s not mine to give,” Katherine whispered putting an arm around me, holding me tight. So it’s something I need to give the donator...

“Okay, what is it? I’ll give it him.” I said patting Katherine’s arm. Just then, the outside door opened. I could hear all the kids coming in yelling and laughing.

“Does Mathew follow anything we tell him he’s back 2 hours early” Susan yelled frustrated walking through the kitchen door to yell at Mathew.

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