Prologue: Mission Brief

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"When you please others in the hopes of being accepted, you loose your self-worth in the process."
~Kamari aka Lyrikal

Samuel adjusted his glasses as he walked briskly down the hallways of the ICA's main headquarters located in London.
"The General's got a big job for you, I hear," an agent who stood outside the General's office taunted, "maybe you'll finally get to drive to the safe house." But Samuel was used to it. They didn't think he deserved his position as leader of Team Foxtrot. They didn't even think Team Foxtrot should exist. In their eyes they were too young, too inexperienced.

If The General did have a big mission for them, then this was his chance to prove himself.

It was Team Foxtrot's chance to prove themselves.

As he stepped into the room, he realized he'd been wrong to assume he would have the chance to meet the great man in person. The office stood empty, and a large monitor faced Samuel, the screen currently blank.

The boy stood with his feet spread, his shoulders squared and his hands clasped firmly behind his back.

After several long minutes, the screen flickered to life. The circular logo of the ICA spun slowly on screen, and an ominous feminine voice demanded identification.
"Samuel Gordon." He felt particularly proud that he managed to keep his voice steady.

Nothing happened.

Samuel shifted his weight as he stood, unsure of what was happening. He tried to keep his posture straight, his breath steady. No doubt the general had men monitoring everything.

"Samuel Gordon." The voice rang out probably from a hidden speaker, harsh and raspy with a strong American Accent. Samuel immediately thought of General Lane, Lois Lane's father, smoking a Cuban cigar and sitting casually at a desk far away from here.

"Sir," Samuel acknowledged.

"I hear you broke McKinley's record yesterday." The General sounded amused.

Samuel tried his best not to puff out his chest with pride. "Yes sir. 27 seconds."

"I'm impressed. What's your ability boy?" The general demanded. Even though Samuel was fairly certain The General knew - he knew everything that happened in the ICA- he barked out:" Technopath, sir."
"And your team? What abilities do they possess?" This was a test, obviously. The general himself has recruited Max and Raiden, there was no way he didn't know the full capabilities of his team.

However, the General had asked him a question. "Agent Black is an elemental, sir, earth and fire."

"Yes, yes, the first to be able to control two, so I've heard. The others?" The General sounded bored.

"Agent Jacobson is a telepath, and Agent Winters is a Cloaker, sir."

"And powerful ones at that," The General agreed. "Good, Agent Gordon. The details of your assignment are being printed now. Understand that this is a matter of grave importance. This is an undercover mission, information retrieval only. You will report to Agent Langley and act on his orders. The mission revolves around female infected."

Samuel was so shocked he nearly choked.

"But sir, that's not possible!"

"You're absolutely right, Agent Gordon. Nonetheless, three have popped up on our radar. One of them Agent Winters has been monitoring for years, but the other two will be your responsibility."

Samuel gulped. "Yes sir."

Girls. He was being sent to babysit super powered girls


We are back!! 
Hello there all anxiously waiting readers. Infected 2.0 is ready to publish and we can't wait to share it with you. *eep*

Sorry if it seemed a little late wherever you are in the world and just know that we will try and publish as consistently as possible.

Like we've said before we've brought on a new writer and with that our identities have changed as well. So our account is still Storm And Snow but as a main title we've become PowerPuff.

With that said, we really seriously hope you enjoy and speak to you guys soon!!

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