I Could Have Danced All Night

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"A joyful heart is the inevitable result of a heart burning with love"
~Mother Teresa~

Too lazy to get back on the slides after lunch, we sat in a circle type thing under a large tree on the side of the park and I would be lying if I said I wasn't kinda happy that Raiden came and sat next to me. I do still feel a little bad for Dyl, though, since Taylor took my other side, my best friend sat awkwardly at first, wedged between John and Raiden and made sure she was far from touching either of them.

"Attention all party-goers!!! This is the last reminder for our annual New Years Eve aqua party tonight. Start the new year with a bang. Join us for a crazy night you won't forget. Gates open at 18:30 sharp. See you there!" The announcement blared over screaming kids in the, still very busy, water park.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that tonight. Hey, are you guys coming?" Raiden asked, nudging me. I could easily feel warm fuzzies in my cheeks, but instantly shoved away the feeling. I forever got a death stare from Dylan every time I got super excited and subconsciously caused the temperature to increase. Summers in Durban were hot enough already.

I guess I am lucky sometimes, though; only in extreme situations do my emotions take over my ability to control the weather. Other than that, I've found ways to keep my manipulation at bay... most of the time.

"Oh yeah it sounds cool. We didn't have anything else planned." I try and say casually. Smooth. yes do point out that it's one of the biggest party nights of the year and all I had planned was catching up on The Big Bang Theory in my hotel room.

"Okay well, now you do have plans. You guys need to come with us tonight, we came last year and it was amazing!" Taylor pleaded excitedly. Being the only girl with these two guys must seriously have been lonely.

"Yeah sure I'm in." Obviously I'm in. Between Dylan and I, I'm definitely the more outgoing, party, talking to people type. I looked hopefully at Dylan. I knew she wasn't in the mood to go out and be around people (pretty much like every minute of every day) but I couldn't go without her, even if I had to drag her by her ears. She didn't look happy about the idea.

What happened next can only be described as a SBFC (silent best friend conversation). We'd been friends for such a long time that we had developed the ability to communicate without having to actually speak. So basically a series of strange facial expressions, subtle head movements and sometimes the occasional quiet groan. It came in handy when we needed to talk without the people around us hearing.

Dyl: Please don't make me do this.

Me: Come on please. This may be the only and last time I see Raiden.

Dyl: So what. They'll be more so called cute guys in your life time.

Me: Do this and I will pack your suitcase when we leave. (She didn't get that part, but oh well)

Dyl: *sigh* Fine, but you can't ditch me, not even to get a drink!!!

"Yeah sure I guess it sounds like fun." Dylan said hesitantly, which was then followed by a death stare from the heat increase.

A phone beeped signaling Dylan's dad's arrival and sadly we had to leave.

"Okay so we'll see you guys tonight." John said as they stood up to say goodbye. The three of them hugged me goodbye and waved awkwardly at Dylan as she stood back.

"Yeah. See you guys in a couple of hours." I assured them as we started walking away. I looked at Raiden just before turning to leave. He winked at me and smiled as I turned around. Yep, I'm hooked. Dammit Raiden...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2016 ⏰

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