Getting a Baby Settled and Stalemate

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Gibbs sat by Harry when he got the call from the paediatrics three hours later. According to the doctors, Harry was in surgery for about two and a half hours with one hour stabilizing him. Gibbs looked at Harry's face. It was paper white with stitches in his cheek with bandages around his ribs keeping them from moving; his arm was in a cast while his ankle was wrapped as well. Aiden was in his arms sleeping. Firefighter found his mother under some rubble and was now in a coma. The doctors didn't think that she would ever wake up so Gibbs took it upon himself to place the boys in NCIS care until the whole terrorist business was done, then he can get on with his life with Harry (and possibly Aiden).

"Agent Gibbs? I'm Doctor Noelle Terrence, Harry's doctor here." Gibbs looked up at her.

"Do we know when he'll wake up?"

"He should be fine in a couple of days. All the scans we did say that he will recover but is exhausted right now since the crash probably took a lot out of him."

"I'll say, I was there and Harry probably flew about thirty feet. It's probably a miracle that he's alive right now."

"Well, miracles can happen Agent Gibbs. Now, visiting hours are almost done. If there's any changes, we'll call you immediately."

"Thank you." Gibbs stood up with Aiden. He already had the bag in his car. He placed Aiden on his hip while they walked out of the hospital. Aiden's grin was turning into a frown as soon as Harry was out of sight. He started whimpering and leaned back towards Harry's room with his arms stretched out.

"I know little buddy, I know," Gibbs muttered. As soon as they were in the parking lot, Gibbs got out his cell phone. He dialled in the number and pressed call.

"Director Sheppard."

"Jenny, its Gibbs."

"Agent Gibbs, how are the boys?"

"Aiden is fine except for some bruises and scratches while Harry had a broken arm, twisted ankle, cracked and broken ribs with a slight concussion. He got out of surgery an hour ago and the doctors think that he'll wake up in a few days."

"That's good, what about the mother?"

"The doctor's don't think she'll ever wake up. I got a bag that I think is Harry's although I'm not sure yet."

"Good. Keep me posted on everything on your end. Now, what do you want to do about Aiden?"

"He can stay at my house since I have him."

"Do you need any baby stuff?"

"Just a couple of things like diapers and food but I still have Kelly's crib in the basement and I guess some clothes would be a good idea."

"Alright. Now, do we know anything related to the explosion?"

"According to DiNozzo, the only thing they got out of Prewitt was that there were going to be about five terrorist attacks with two already gone and that they were calm."

"Do you think they have anything related to Sharif?"

"I'm not sure Jenny. Maybe but we need some names and this guy isn't talking unless he gets a reduced sentence."

"Hmm, lets see, he was going to get life in jail, no parole for the mall bombing because he knew about it and probably helped plan it, he will get a transfer to Quantico Bay in Cuba because of the international flight bombs."

"So, maybe we could bribe him with getting out of Quantico and only getting a maximum jail sentence?"

"I'll leave that up to you Jethro. Now, I have a lot of paper work and you have jurisdiction because you were there and you have the only survivor that's not unconscious or in a coma."

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