Meeting the Team, News and a Discovery

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Harry woke up excited. He gets to meet Gibbs' team today. Quickly grabbing his glasses, Harry sat up and looked at the clock, 7:35. He scowled. Visiting hours didn't start until 9 so reading it is. Harry grabbed his book and started reading again.

Time flew when his imagination was running away with him. 'If Tony's such a movie buff, maybe we can see the Lord of the Rings. I hear it was good,' he thought. Deciding to check in with Hedwig, Harry opened their connection.

"Good morning Hedwig."

"Good morning Harry, how was your sleep?"

"Slept through supper and Gibbs' co worker Ziva David had a visit last night."

"Really?" Harry could've swore that if Hedwig had eyebrows, they would've been raised.

"Well, I hope I wasn't disturbing anything."

"Oh no Hedwig, I'm fine. I just want to get out of this hospital."

"I'll tell you about today later."

"Goodbye Harry." Shutting off their connection, Harry looked at the clock, 9:05. Starting to bounce, Harry was waiting impatiently for Jean to bring him his breakfast. He hates being dependent on others, but right now he couldn't help it.

Jean came in and was seeing Harry bounce in his bed.

"Impatient are we?"

"I've been up for a few hours, waiting for visiting hours to start."

"Well, let me see your ankle for a minute." Harry held out his leg while Jean carefully unwrapped it. What she saw made her blink. There was very little bruising left and started turning it to the left.

"Tell me when it hurts." She got a shrug in reply and she started slowly turning his foot and went until his bone prevented him. She watched his face and saw no discomfort. Frowning, she started turning it the other way. Again, there was no discomfort. She bent it forward and backwards, finding that it was only bruised.

"Well Mr. Potter, it seems that your ankle is all healed."

"That's weird," Harry commented. He knew he heals faster then normal, just not that fast.

"Well, I'll go and get your breakfast, seeing as your up." With that, Jean left the room. Harry was almost done the book so he had nothing to do. Wishing he had his journal, Harry started making up stories in his head and grabbed a piece of paper to write them down. Shannon did say he had a large imagination. Scribbling down some ideas, Jean re entered his room with breakfast. Harry stopped writing and was looking at the food. He couldn't care less if it was dirt, he was hungry.

"I have word that agent Gibbs is coming again today with some guests."

"Awesome." Harry replied. He was concentrating on eating and wasn't paying attention to what Jean was saying.

"Boys," she said as she closed to door. Harry wolfed down his breakfast in five minutes and was wanting seconds. Jean scowled and said, "we're not a buffet Harry." And she left it at that.

Throwing himself against his pillow, Harry was bored. Dead bored. He started watching the clock on the wall tick away bored. Wanting to get up, Harry listened for anyone outside his door. Hearing nothing, Harry slowly swung his legs over and slipped off his bed. His one arm was still in a cast and his rib cage was wrapped pretty tightly. Getting both feet on the ground, Harry tested his weight on his ankle. Deciding to take a few steps, he slowly put pressure on his ankle. Grimacing, Harry put more weight. If there's one thing he's learned, it's that the muscles need to be worked again to the accustomed weight of walking, let alone running. Slowly taking steps, Harry opened his door and didn't notice Gibbs and his party heading from the other direction.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2014 ⏰

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