Brandi And Lenny

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After the party, Brandi offered Jordan a ride home. Sometimes after he got wasted he asked Brandi to drive him because he would be tired and she didn't force him to talk about things he didn't want to talk about. But Teresa was latched onto his arm and showed no signs of letting go. Jordan glanced at her and looked at Brandi.
"That's alright, Brandi, thank you. I'll see you all on Monday."
She nodded diligently and hopped into her car, a big black Cadillac. She made it home from Long Island about 40 minutes later. Her apartment had been fully furnished by then, obviously. It was beautiful, classier than she thought it could be. She stepped into the apartment and flopped down on the leather couch, kicking off her high-heeled sandals.
Lenny walked in and sat next to her, kissed her.
"Hey, baby. How was work? Party fun?"
"Yeah, I guess. It was okay. What did you do?"
"Had a drink with Castor at that place near Stark after work. Nothing special. You want anything? You look tired."
"I'm good. I just wanna sit."
Lenny nodded and got up.
"Hey, babe?" He shouted from the bedroom.
"You got the rent money? It's due on Monday."
Brandi closed her eyes.
"I'll take care of it, Lenny," she sighed.
"Just like I take care of everything around here," she muttered under her breath.
"Alright, just don't forget."
She was so young. With so much to do. She didn't give a damn about paying the rent. She could pay for it easy. She was 22 but made more money than her parents. As a secretary.
"And hell, your birthday's next week, you didn't tell me what you want."
"Nothing, baby. Just be there."
He smiled and walked back into the living room with her.
"I love you, Brandi."
"I know."
Lenny looked at her. Brandi watched the television.

That next morning, she got up early, showered, slid on a blue Chanel suit  and took her morning Adderall with steaming hot coffee. She'd taken them since college to help her focus and stay up late every night. She probably couldn't have made it this far without them, and now that she worked for Jordan Belfort she needed to focus just as much as she did back then. She pulled up to their building. It no longer looked like a warehouse as it proudly proclaimed 'Stratton Oakmont' in bold, professional font. The new office was 6 floors high with a huge lobby. Jordan had gotten richer, so of course he got renovations to make his office look richer. She strolled in and walked past the men that greeted her every morning. She nodded at them as she walked into Jordan's office.
"Jordan. Any work for me?"
"Ah, just that stack over there. Still on for lunch?" He asked as he rolled up a hundred dollar bill.
Brandi laughed. "You know it."
Jordan snorted white powder off his desk and let out a little groan.
"Yeah." She walked over to his desk and leaned over with the bill he rolled up, snorted the other line. Her head jerked up and she nearly fell over.
"Jesus. Better get started."
Her desk was at the front of the office near the elevator. She doubled as a secretary as well as Jordan's assistant. It took her just under an hour to finish the stack. It was the Adderall. And the cocaine. Her senses were heightened and her nerves were on fire. She loved every second of it.
Lunch eventually rolled around and Jordan stepped out of the glass-walled room that was his office and stood at Brandi's desk. She was entering the deals that everyone had made that morning and sorting out confirmations.
Brandi got up from her desk and pushed the elevator button.
"Let's go. I'm starved."
The two of them went out for lunch a few days each week. Other than an assistant, Brandi was Jordan's greatest confidant other than Donnie. He'd often vent to her about his troubles with Teresa, among other worries. It made sense talking to her. She was a good listener.
Jordan and Brandi stepped into a coffee shop and grabbed a table. A waiter took their orders and headed back into the kitchen.
"Teresa page you today?"
"Not yet, but I should be expecting one this afternoon. God, that woman is fucking killing me. I was trying to lock in a trade before you came in and she calls me just as I was reeling that bastard in."
Brandi huffed. "What was it?"
"She wanted Hildy's phone number. I hate that bitch. She's her friend, not mine for Christ's sake. Why the hell would I know?"
"She's really taken a shine to you, huh?" She laughed. Jordan smiled and shook his head.
"How's Lenny?"
Their coffees and sandwiches arrived and Brandi took a huge swallow that seared her throat.
"Fine. I just wish he'd get a decent job. Making me pay the fucking rent when he lives there too."
"I told you he was a bum. He used to sell mushrooms to some guys in my neighborhood. Little shits didn't even work." Brandi bit into her sandwich.
"How did you even meet that faggot?"
Brandi swallowed and laughed lightly.
"At a party. First day I moved here, to be exact. I was drunk."
"No wonder."
Brandi laughed again, and Jordan did too.
"Hey, what happened to that girl from the party? You ever get her number?"
"Yeah, I might call her tonight. She's got great tits." He swallowed a bite.
"You're such a dog, Jordan."
"Don't I know it," he chuckled.

They headed back to the office soon after and as expected, an hour later Teresa asked Jordan to come home early. Brandi watched as he called her to tell her he couldn't be coming home so early.
"I got a business to run, Teresa. I can't be ditching work whenever you ask."
"Well, sorry if it bothers you that I gotta work my ass off so you live the way you do."
Pause again.
"I'm not fighting with you right now Teresa. We aren't doing this right now."
"I don't know when I'll be home. Late, probably."
"Goodbye, Teresa." He hung up.
Jordan groaned and rubbed his temple. He poured himself a scotch and drank it, staring out the window.
Jordan, Donnie, Alden and Chester all went to a dance bar after work. They asked Brandi to go too but she had to go home.

She hated to think how mad Teresa would be when Jordan came home. Brandi walked out to her car and started to drive home.

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