Suspicious Minds

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Brandi got home at 1 in the afternoon or so and Lenny was at the airport waiting for her. She stepped out of the customs and found him amidst the passers by of the baggage claim.
"Hey baby," he hugged her.
"Hey. Miss me much?"
"Not too bad." He smiled and dragged her suitcase. "How was the wedding?"
"Fun. I just missed home."
He led her outside and hailed a taxi. Actually, Brandi really liked the Bahamas and she would have wanted to stay longer but she didn't feel up to talking about the wedding or watching Jordan and Naomi in their pre-honeymoon bliss. Plus, the parties were over and the rest of the week would consist of lounging on the beach with Naomi and Jordan's friends, many of whom she didn't like. Jordan's friends looked at her assets like they had important coding encrypted into them, and Naomi's friends were all catty and overly bitchy. The best course of action, Brandi thought, would be to come home. So Lenny and her took a cab to a cafe and ate lunch.
"How were the Bahamas?" He asked.
"Pretty. Lots of sun and ocean and stuff. It's hot."
"Makes sense. So uh... How are Jordan and Naomi?"
"Okay, I guess. Over the moon about the wedding. It's nice to see."
"You think so?" He asked thoughtfully.
"Yeah, it's nice. I'm happy for them."
"Me too. You gave them the gift, right?"
"Yeah, yeah, I took care of it."
"Good. I want them to know we really care. And that you appreciate the job Jordan gave you."
"Uh. Sure."
"Say, uh..." Lenny said casually, drinking coffee. "Jordan doesn't ask you to do anything that doesn't... Meet the basic needs of your job or anything, right?"
Brandi looked at him funny. Was he asking if she was sleeping with Jordan?
"No. Why do you ask?"
"No reason," he said to his Eggs Benedict. The pigmented yolk stained the porcelain plate yellow and Lenny pushed it aside.
"Alright. You wanna go now? I'm sort of tired."
"Yeah, sure. We can go. I gotta unpack."
Brandi put down a wad of bills and payed the bill while Lenny hailed a taxi.
This wasn't much better than the Bahamas, anyway.

That night, Brandi sat at her desk and typed in expense reports that Max would have to look at when the office opened back up. She rubbed her eyes a little bit. The clock read 12:49 PM.
She had asked Lenny to go buy groceries a few hours ago but he still wasn't home yet. She shut off the chunky computer and kicked off her clothes, walking around in a slip. Stepping into the kitchen and making herself a vodka-orange juice, she flicked on the tv and sunk into the couch. Some country in the Middle East was getting attacked again. Change channel. Infomercial for weight loss pills. Pause. Change channel. Hill Street Blues. Alright.
She sat lethargically for a few minutes, swallowing her concoction until she heard the phone ring. She swallowed the rest of the vodka juice and picked up the white cordless on the table next to the couch.
"You guessed it."
Brandi stood and started pacing like she always did while taking on the phone.
"How goes it?"
"It's alright. Just really hot - I feel like going home."
"You should. It's boring without everyone here." Without you.
"I can only imagine. Lenny's the only one to keep you company."
"At the moment, yeah," she chuckled. "He's out right now."
"Spending your money, I presume."
He was right.
"As always." She paced around her room.
"So anyway, I'm just here. Naomi and everyone else are at a club."
"You didn't go?" She stepped into her walk-in closet.
"Didn't feel up to it."
"Ah. Alright, then." Brandi floated her fingers through the different fabrics.
"I felt like talking to you." She could hear a few drinks embedded into his voice.
"Oh, really?"
"Really. How's New York?"
"In shambles. The city mourns for the loss of the great Jordan Belfort," she smiled. Wool, cotton, cotton blend.
"Just as expected. What can I say? The public adores me."
Brandi smiled and shook her head. Polyester, silk, satin, nylon.
"What are you up to?"
"At home. I was watching tv until you so rudely interrupted me."
She heard him laugh lightly.
"My condolences. I'm at the hotel still."
"Great. When are you coming home?"
"Next week was the plan. But I think I might come home earlier."

"If you want me to."

Brandi froze for a moment.
"Yeah, I want you to."
"Then I'll be home soon."
Brandi breathed a sigh of relief. She was going crazy.
"That's good." She held the phone in between her shoulder and her head, making herself another drink.
"I was thinking, maybe when I get back we can open the office and hire some new people."
"Really? I thought we had too many, with all those college kids."
"More than half of them are just lazy little punks. Time to drop some dead weight."
"Whatever you say goes, boss man."
He laughed a little bit.
"Alright. I'll let you go now. I bet you're tired."
She was a little tired. Lenny wasn't home yet. She didn't know if she should wait up for him or not.
"I guess. Just hurry back soon."
"I will. Goodnight, Brandi."
"Night, Jordan."
Brandi fell asleep a half hour later curled into a corner of the couch with the tv still droning.
Lenny crept in quietly and shut it off. He didn't bring any groceries with him.

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