Chapter Ten: Blaine

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Chapter 10: Blaine               

"What is up with you, Blaine?"            

"Nothing's up with me! Why is everybody saying that?" I snapped.               

"Because you're being crazy quiet and ignoring everybody and when people try to help you, you just turn them away," Ava glared at me with piercing eyes, a look that I've only seen used a handful of times, and never directed at me before. I broke her eye contact and looked out the window. "When was the last time you talked to Kurt?"               

I had to think about it. I get a text from him every hour, I knew that for sure. I haven't actually responded to any of them, but I'd read them all. They started out friendly. Along the lines of "hey, do you want to talk?" or "I hope you are doing okay, I miss you". They soon started changing into the "why aren't you texting me back" and the "what's the matter?" texts. Now we're reaching the "I thought you loved me" texts, and it breaks my heart every time I read them, but it'd break my heart even more to reply. "I love you, too. More than ever, but I want you to be safe."               

"Not since Sunday..." it was Wednesday. Ava sighed.               

"Blainers, he's really worried about you. He texts me all the time, you know? He thinks you're cheating on him or something. He's freaking out."               

"I'm not cheating on him! I just-" I tried to protest.              

"I know that, Blaine, and I think he does, too. It's just that we all want to help you. We want you to be happy, Kurt more so than anybody, and you're just... not."             

"Listen, Ava. I don't want to talk about this now, okay? Just bring me home," I was sick of hearing this. I've heard it enough from Kurt, and it was getting repetitive.               

"Fine," she said. And then there was silence.               

And then there was silence. Silence. In a car with Ava. I repeat, silence.               

Silence, and it felt like someone had just stuck my entire body in this huge freezer and locked the door shut. It was cold.               

It felt like forever until we finally pulled into my driveway. Ava's car came to a stop suddenly, and we just sat there, engrossed in a terrifying silence.               

"Blaine, you have to talk to Kurt. You love each other, and your love is the only thing that's going to get you through whatever rough patch you're going through," she looked me in the eye, her gray eyes almost sparkling silver as she gazed. "You know, when you're isolated like this, you're not only hurting yourself, but you're hurting Kurt as well. You know he's spent thirty dollars on ice cream alone this week? You don't want to do this to Kurt, do you?"               

The silence stung again, and I looked down.               

"You don't have to answer that. Just get your act back together, and talk to Kurt. He's trying to fix things the best he can, but he can't unless you open up. Just a little. Just to him. You love Kurt, right?" I nodded. About this I was sure. "Then you need to be with him. You can't say you don't miss him. I know you do. I can see it in your eyes every time I say his name. It's like... this glimmer of... I don't know... Light, I guess. God, that sound's cheesy. I'm like a terrible chick flick, aren't I?"               

She gave me her goofy grin and I couldn't help but chuckle.                       

"I'll try, Av," she ruffled my hair. I smiled again. "Thanks."              

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