Chapter Eighteen: Blaine

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"Here I go, and there's no turning back. My great adventure has begun! I may be small, but I've got giant plans to-"

I flipped my cell phone open quickly, mostly to shut it up. I gave a quiet groan of a greeting, knowing exactly who was on the other end of the line.

"Hey, Blainers! How are doing? I haven't talked to you since the party. It wasn't cool leaving me at Rachel's, by the way. That was all kinds of awkward." I sighed. I kind of expected her to yell at me for this. I was actually surprised it took her so long. It was already Sunday morning, and the party had started on Friday.

"Well, I wasn't going to drive you all the way back to Westerville in the wee hours of the morning, Ava."

"It doesn't really matter, though. Rachel's dads drove me when they came home yesterday. But it was super awkward. But they were so nice! Did you know that one of them is doing a community theater production of Rent? We talked about it the whole ride, it was actually really fun!" Ava finally paused to take a breath before continuing in a slower tone. "Now I called you for a reason, and I sort of forgot it..."

"Of course you did..." I sighed.

"Oh yeah! Ha! Are you with Kurt now?" I groaned and looked at the little cheep digital clock on the bedside table.

"Considering it is about eight in the morning, no, he's still sleeping. And I was too, until you rudely awakened me. I'm in the guest room."

"Oh, well can you go wake him up? I need to talk to the both of you." I was well aware that Ava didn't plan on taking no for an answer, but Kurt needed a good night's sleep, and I definitely didn't want to wake him, but I fought for the cause anyway.

"Ava, I don't really want to-"

"Please, Blainey? Seriously, it's important, and you won't regret it."

"Ugh fine..." I said with another sigh. I kept glancing at the digital clock, as if hoping the time would speed forward for me. No such luck, of course. "I'm going to hang up. I'll call you back when I get Kurt awake."

"Kay. You better. If I don't get a call back in ten minutes, I'll yell at you."

"Alright, that's fine. I'm hanging up now, Ava. Bye."

I snapped my phone shut and started to the door. I cringed when it made a loud creaking noise when I opened it, realizing that I was probably the only one awake in the whole house. Finn was most definitely still sleeping, as would be Burt and Kurt, and Carole always worked the early shifts as a nurse, so she would be out of the house by now.

"Hey, Kurt?" I asked, creaking open the door. Of course, he was still sleeping. Normally Kurt is a pretty light sleeper, so I didn't have to do much to wake him up. I sat on the foot of his bed and said his name again, and he immediately stirred and sat up, looking at me with squinting eyes.

"What the hell, Blaine? What time is it?"

"Eight. I know it's early, and I'm really sorry, but Ava just called and she wants to talk to the both of us."

"At eight in the morning?" Kurt said with a groan. "Seriously, I'm sleeping."

"I know, love, but she said it was important." Kurt's face softened a bit and he shifted into a more comfortable sitting position.

"It better be."

I smiled gently at Kurt before flipping open my phone once again and speed dialing Ava's number. She responded immediately.

"Blaine! You have Kurt there? Put me on speaker!"

"Yup." I said and pressed the speaker button, shifting my body closer to Kurt's and holding the phone out between the two of us.

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