Chapter 27

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"I'm devastated to hear about Prince Zuko," I heard Zhao say. "Just devastated." What a load of garbage. Zhao, in fact, was nothing more than a load of garbage. I pressed my ear against the cold door so I could eavesdrop on the conversation between this load of garbage and General Iroh.

"The Fire Lord will not be pleased when he finds out who was responsible," Iroh responded coldly.

"You know who was behind the attack?" The garbage asked.

"Yes," Iroh grunted." Pirates. We had a run with them a while back. They wanted revenge."

Changing the subject, Zhao asked, "So, have you reconsidered my offer?"

"Yes.... I accept. It will be an honor to serve as your general."

"To victory!" Zhao shouted.

I couldn't listen anymore. I ran swiftly down the corridor, still picturing the flaming ship. Why hadn't I just bent water to put out the fire? It probably would've made no difference, I suppose. We were already too late. My best friend was gone...

If only I'd told him everything when I had the chance. Told him about the times I'd interfered with his plans.

Told him that I....

I shook my head to clear my mind. I didn't want to think about any of that. I didn't even want to be on this stupid ship. Though, I suppose I should've been grateful. Zhao had only offered lodging for Iroh, only allowing me to come along as a way to seem like he genuinely gave deep condolences for Zuko's death.

As I walked to the quarters given to me by Zhao (which was actually a prisoner cell, might I point out), I noticed one of the soldiers following me from a short distance. His helmet was on, his face hidden. The Fire Nation helmets were creepy enough — I didn't need some mysterious stranger following me in the ship of one of the two men I hated most in this world.

I turned a corner and plopped onto the bed of the prisoner cell that I was to consider a room. Like any child who'd been in an awful situation, I wanted to go home. But the only home I'd ever known was now a mess of ashes. Did it make me a selfish person to be concerned about my own future and what was to happen to me, only moments after the most important person in my life had been killed?

I barely slept. My mind tortured me with images of Zuko unknowingly lying in bed, waiting for our return. Unknowingly moments away from his peril.

I stared at the ceiling for an hour, desperately wishing I could sleep. Eventually giving up, I opted to roam the halls, and just hope that I didn't run into Zhao.

As I passed through a corridor, I saw Iroh walking in my direction, and a soldier walking in the opposite direction.

"Saki?" Iroh sounded surprised. "What are you doing?"

"I'm not okay." My words came out weak. I was on the brink of tears, and he knew it. He pulled me in for a tight hug, which triggered the tears to flow rapidly like a rushing river. I saw the soldier stop and look back at me. He stared for a long time, then hurriedly continued his tread.

"Everything will be just fine," Iroh tried to assure me as I continued my broken sobs. "Prince Zuko would not wish to see you like this. He would want to see you happy."

"That isn't exactly possible right now," I sniffled.

Iroh led me back to lie me down, hoping that I'd tired myself out and would sleep. That didn't happen. I was roaming the halls again only minutes after he left me. Every second that went by, I thought of Zuko. Every second made my chest tighten.

With my arms wrapped around myself and my head down, I found myself colliding with armor, making a loud clang as I stumbled back.

"Why are you wandering my ship like some pathetic lost soul?" Zhao asked, his snarl made obvious in the tone of his voice. I looked up at him, forcing myself to not act out. Reminding myself that he could scorch me where I stood and no one would so much as blink.

"I can't sleep."

He smirked down at me. "You poor broken-hearted child. It's a shame what happened to your prince. Now you have nothing keeping you from meeting your own horrific fate."

"Except Iroh," I said, looking him dead in the eye. "Without me, you don't have his loyalty. He's protected me for as long as I can remem—"

Zhao interrupted. "Only because you were so close with his dear nephew. I'll never understand their infatuation with you. You're nothing more than Water Tribe filth. A peasant who doesn't even deserve to breathe the same air as the Fire Nation, and yet you've lived among the royal family."

"And you're nothing more than a scheming insect," I glared hard. "Zuko just so happens to die the exact same day that you randomly show up and recruit his entire crew? You've no more worth than the smoke you blow. I've seen koi fish more deserving of your title than you."

"I'd watch that tongue of yours if I were you," he hissed, leaning close as he matched my glare. "I am not afraid to rid myself of another obstacle; I don't care how I have to do it."

"I'd watch your ego if I were you," I smirked bitterly as I mocked him. "You've been outwitted by a child before, and I highly doubt it won't happen again."

At this, Zhao's hand winded back and swung at me, making a loud crack as it connected with my face. I recoiled, stumbling back as I held my stinging cheek.

"Watch yourself, child," he threatened. "I can dispose of you whenever I wish, and no one will even notice you're gone. Not even General Iroh."

Author's Note
Two chapters in one night! I'm trying to make up for lost time since I'm so busy with school stuff, so you can expect multiple chapters at a time — though each update will likely be days apart.

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Only a few chapters left before it's time for Book 2 ❤️

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