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You all know the story: the boy from the iceberg ending the 100-year-long war, and defeating the evil Fire Lord, Ozai. Along with him were Katara, the waterbending master and his eventual lover; Sokka, the funny nonbender with the boomerang and sword; Toph, the blind earthbending master who invented metalbending; Suki, the Kyoshi Warrior; and Zuko, the son of Fire Lord Ozai and Aang's firebending teacher. You probably know about all of the others: Iroh, Azula, Ty Lee, Mai, and many more.

But what you don't know is that there were those of us involved with the legendary Team Avatar that didn't get mentioned in the story. Why? I don't know; probably because including every single person that the group encountered and how they had an impact would've made the story too complicated and hard to keep up with.

My name is Saki. Now, I know a lot of you are asking yourselves, "Who the heck is Saki?", but that's why I'm here. I was there since the beginning. I'd interacted with every single one of them, but I wasn't mentioned. I'm here to tell my part of the story.

The Girl No One KnewUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum